116,227 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
RUST-115 Fixed inaccurate colliders on powerline base
RUST-110 Fixed out of bound exploit at MT
No longer filter character spawns by biome (only by tier)
Updated Facepunch.Steamworks
Bandit town Scene 2 prefab.
More work on Bandit Guard AI.
Riot helmet LOD clipping fix RUST-48
More work on bandit guard AI.
[D11] Quick temporary fix for triggers to work on Xbox
removal of additional compound bow fbx/prefab
vm compound bow admire anim update
Made cargo ship deck longer
bigwheel win/lose audio
bet terminals only accessible by those sitting in the corresponding seat
functional countdown timer
inventory locked during spins
Hapis startup error fixes
merge hapis_puzzles_and_polish into main
Fixed skin looking paper white on prop/icon renders
Fixed core/skin and core/generic shader input colors; update affected shaders
Attempt at fixing in-editor icon rendering caused by unity 2018 bug
Attempt at fixing workshop icon rendering
merge from underwater_vegetation
Underwater divesites update
Underwater rock formations update
ready to place prefabs for underwater plants
tweaks to ocean color extinction (reviving some shades of blue and red)
greatly reduced aimcone on compound bow
Added compound bow to DM loot table