116,220 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Removed FoliageGrid.Init debug log
27268, 27269; needs proper fix in skin caching
Some refactoring in preparation of the world SDK
Applying parts of
27017 (Terrain maps use flat arrays)
revised jackhammer textures after feedback and some new label geometry
Fixed barricades positions
Fixed trainyard rooftop exploit
Disable warning in SceneField
Updated Facepunch.Unity from Repo
Fix for some skins showing incorrect lighting
Touched relevant shaders
27264 so we don't have to force protocol
minor fixes
started reworking of old hapis monuments
Added Fuse Box loot panel
jackhammer texture changes
Stop throwing items at Compound from causing NPCs to go crazy.
27259 from release
Disabled forceSingleInstance (multiple servers on one box)
removed unused textures (metalness and ao)
converted metalness to core shader using rgba setup for jackhammer
jackhmmer model and lods.
jackhammer textures and materials
Fix for lighting issues caused by Unity near clip bug
Removed date/time calls from base pyramid caching
Fixed not creating item instances for keycards that are spawned on server restart (unable to pick them up)
Added test puzzle to CraggyIsland
Fix for duplicate keycards on server restart that cannot be interacted with
Merge in Scientist MT Lab AI fixes.
fixed compound vending machines having two tool machines
Fix for corn and pumpkin default interaction
Fix for self destructing vending matchines in doorways
Fix for medkits not removing bleed effect on consume
Fixed picking hemp order menu
MT Lab scientists now aware if they can engage a threat or not (security doors).