116,222 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Prebuilt native dlls for ps4, these are built from the respective directories in Plugins folder at the top of the tree, using premake to generate the solutions and then build them and copy them here.
Enable json.net for PS4 build
Editor script changes for building asset bundles and doing the actual build for consoles
NPCs now respect aggression range better when receiving noise sensations.
Missed another shader fix for ps4
Initial JIT fixes, this is enough to get into the main menu, there will likely be lots more. Unity docs suggest this kind of code doesn't actually need to be called but my experiences have been otherwise, need to look into and potentially raise a question about it.
WIP ps4 shader fixes. It is not possible to test any of these changes yet, it is just needed to get everyone able to build and run the console versions. It is also not designed to be merged back into the main branch, I will need to test that these changes are ok on the original platforms and if not, make them conditional.
Another fix for number of junkpile scientists that can spawn in the game at once.
Updated bandit town scene and prefab (swamp water)
Updated main camera prefab
Fixed edge case in edit-mode camera scripts causing error spam
Fixed radial mesh edge case when using high far clip planes (e.g. scene camera)
Fixed empty height slope map causing problems when terrain doesn't exist yet
Improved scene camera handling on edit-mode camera scripts; multi scene-views now supported
Fixed scene camera frame delay on post opaque component causing artifacts on water
Enabled ocean radial mesh again, now showing in all views, edit and play modes
Fixed ocean atmospheric scattering in all modes
Updated ocean prefab
Nuked placeholder water materials; no longer necessary
Added hapis old rock cave prefab for modders working to restore old procgen maps
Added Water_Body to Prefab in bandit_town scene; swamp now working with updated system
Removed SwampWater prefab; no longer needed
Updated neutral_dungeon_lighting to latest main camera and sky dome
Fixed potential NRE in tod sky probex code
Renamed Water component to WaterSystem
Renamed Water prefab to Water System
Updated neutral_dungeon_lighting prefab to include Water System
More seamless edit-mode for some components running on camera
Added generic sitting 360 pose (hands not gripping chair) and added to player animator
Bandit town / updated dredge structure
Junkpile Scientists are again hostile to those that get too close.
Improved range accuracy when collecting sensory data.
Added convar to enable/disable foot ik for NPCs.
Improved offset in navigation agent, a cheap way of making NPCs hover less above the ground.
Finished water refactor for the most part, w/ all new features now working
Ocean, and other water bodies are now a separate game objects from Water system
Water reflection probe now created at runtime
Fixed probex in edit mode
Fixed deferred decals adding cmdbuf multiple times
Nuked deprecated script
fix for weird box behavior on rhib
compass no longer displays over inventory
BBQ exploit fix
Small refinery can no longer be fully submerge underwater
compass button added (default c)
menu options for compass off/on/toggle/hold
Updated LZ4 (second attempt)
Added Rust.World and Rust.FileSystem asmdefs (used in world SDK)
Moved checksum class to Facepunch.System
Removed bridge topology, added swamp topology
New world serialization format
Reduced temporal AO-related flickering
Mitigated water z-fighting on terrain near coplanar to water level