31,013 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.33cph!
▅▌▍▊▄ ▄▇▇▊█ ▆▋ ▍▉▇▄▊ ▄▇▅▊
108904 (ai_wolf_iteration) Add bark and footstep audio to new jump anim
merge from arcticpack_itemstore_fixes
merge from ore_hotspot_position_fix
merge from simple_upgrade
merge from voiceprops_itemstore
merge from hackweek_car_radio
merge from fix_detail_metallic_map_error
merge from fix_swamp_water_reflection
prepatch phases, codegen and manifest
Merge from scrap_exchange_dynamic_pricing
Merge from simple_upgrade
vendor_stats_fixes -> main
Merge from simple_upgrade
merge from fix_lod_camrea_nre -> main
merge from fix_lod_camera_nre -> main
Merge from shred_helicopters
Merge from monument_scenes_renderlod_fix
vendor_stats_fixes -> main
Reduced car radio to T1 workbench and crafting time to 15 seconds.
Merge: from soundmodulator_leak
Fixes an audio-related NRE when performing generic interactions (zipline, bike, etc).
Tests: rode the zipline on Craggy a bunch of times(the whole way and with quick jump-off). Couldn't repro the NRE (though couldn't do it originally anyway)
Merge from simple_upgrade
merge ice_sculpture->main (server compile fix)
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
merge ice_sculptures->main
Manifest - restore water_treatment_plant_1, stomped in
merge from store_renderer_fixes
merge from standard_shader_improvements
Merge from simple_upgrade
Merge from modding_prefabs
Possibly fix MainCamera NRE when entering/exiting game
Safety check for Large Shredder so we don't modify non kinematic rigidbodies and produce a warning
Merge from launcher reload bug
Merge from cinematic_gestures
merge from fix_antihack_toast_reason -> main
merge from fix_monument_scenes_osx -> main
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
Merge: from soundmodulator_leak
Disabling audio pooling to mitigate SoundModulator NRE in BlendedSoundLoops
Tests: on Craggy ran around, rode the zipline, hunted animals. Also left it to stew for a bit - no exceptions
merge from fix_monument_scenes_osx -> main
█▇▄▄▇▇ `▅▅▄▊_▆▋▋█▋▍▆▇_▅▉▆▉▊█▉_▄▉▇▍▉`'▅ ▆▌▅▅▅▅▉▋ `▊▇▍▍▌▍▉▇▍▉` ▊▌▅ ▇▆ `▇▌▋▉▉.▇▋▌▅▉█▍▍▉▆▊▋▊▉▉▅▇▉▌▉()` ▍▋▊▋ ▆▊ `▍▍▊▋▇.█▉▄█▌▉▋█▇▍▊()` ▋▊ ▍▍▆▊▌ ▄▄▆▍ ▄▉▊▅▄ ▌▍▉▄▇▋▌▆▅ ▊▅▊▊ ▉▅█▊▇▍▍ ▌▇█ ▇▅▉▋▅█▉. █▌▋█▌█▌▍▇ ▍▋▋ ▋▉█▅█▉▄ ██▅ ▊▅▆ ▉█ ▅▍▋▄▋.
`▋▉▅▇▍▆▊▊▊▋.▄▍▅▄▉▌▌▍` ▅▅▄▄ ▅▇▅ ▊▅▇▄▊▍▉ ▍▄▄ ▅█▅▅▆▌█ ▌▊ ▅▋▍ ▅▄▊▆▍▊▌▋▋█ ▋▅ ▇▄▇▊▍▋ █▄▅▄ ▇█▋▋▍▇▉ ▅█▆ █▊▍▇▇▇▄ ▍▄ ▆▇▋▊ ▍▌ ▅ ▉▋▍▍▊▊▋ ▅▊▅▉▅▊▉▅ ▉▍▉▋▊▄▍▆ ▉▋▉▍▍▋▉▋▌ (▍▋▋▌▅▉▉▋▍▌).
▊▅▌▌▆█▄▋▌ ▄▅▅ ▄▉▉▇▆▅▋ ▌▇ ▅█▊ ▆▌ ▌▇▇█▄ ▄▋ ▆▇▄▊▌▆▉▌▄ ▋▊▊▋▋ ▅ ▆▌▇█▄▅█ ▉▋▆▊▇, ▉▋▇▇▄▅█▌▆ █▊▇▌ ▅▍▇▇▋▍█▅▋▄.
qol_vendorlist_virtualitemicon -> main