249,487 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.63cph!
Stashing here
Added collision box + attachments to Hellfire model. Implementation of Hellfire + Hellfire weapon. Fixed SAM Weapon rocket NRE. Fixed Flocker distance tolerance. Fixed aircraft minimum attack distance support.
Merge branch 'fadeinout'
Added collision box + attachments to Hellfire model. Implementation of Hellfire + Hellfire weapon. Fixed SAM Weapon rocket NRE. Fixed Flocker distance tolerance. Fixed aircraft minimum attack distance support.
Fixed still being able to ConsoleSytem.Run( "quit" )
▌▊▌ ▅█▄▍▋▇▅▆ ▉▄▋▌
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▇▌▄▊▌▉▋ █▉▋▅ ▊▋▊▆▅▌▇▍
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█▄▍ ▅█▇
▋▌█▊▆▅ ▆▉▉▅▄▊ ▌▇▄▋█▊ ▅▋ ▍▇▅ ▅▇▇█▆█▍ ▊▄▅ ▌▊▋█ ▅▍ ▇▌▍███▌
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Fixed shaders not writing to alpha if S_ALPHA_TEST
Added Clothing.Container.DressEntity
Rendering fully with command buffers. Improved ocean surface clipping mask creation.
ModelEntity.SetMaterialGroup can take a string
Load assets before menu init
Load edited citizen on main menu
Save cookies on exit
Menu Convars are saved and loaded properly
Setting Menu Convars via property updates native backing, saves
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
▉▅█▉ ▄▉▉▋▍▋▇▆▌, ▉█▄▄█ ▌▊▅▊▋█▅ ▍▅▄▅█▉▄ ▄▍▊▋ ██▍▊▆▇ ▋▊▇▌▌▍ ▉▆▆ █▍▆▄▍▇▄ ▇▅█▉▊▉▆ ▇▅▌▌.
fixed alignment on movement particle
▉▉▄▅▅▌▊ ▋▊▍▍▊ ██▄▋▅▅▋, ▍▌ ▅█▋▍▊
Fixed bot user commands being ran at the wrong point during a tick causing bots to behave in strange ways
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/sbox
Reduced crafting time of all modular car engine components from 30s to 10s
Return MLRS to zero rotation when not in use
Put the MLRS black material back
▌▌▋▆▅ ▍▊▆▉_▊▆▊▆▋▋▅▇▊_▉ █▊▍▍▉▄▌ ▊▆▄
Added AnimSceneObject.SetBodyGroup
Added Clothing.CanBeWornWith, uses slots
Clothing BodyGroup hiding
Hesco barrier final art - Models and prefabs
Added a generic fabric generic detail map
Less strict locker placement
cherrypicking RGB
64673 64680
If attempting to build something too close to a monument, print the translated name of the monument in the error eg."Cannot build this close to Bandit Town"
Set up UI daskboard map screen. Disabled the "black" material for now in order to hide the greybox screen glass and show my UI instead.
Set up mount and dismount points
Set up MLRS firing points
Added an extra check to stop dances endlessly looping incorrectly
Allow MLRS to use either the low or high solution for firing angle
MLRS pivot angle fixes for the new model
WIP setting up MLRS model. Swapped my temp model over for the real thing and set up weapon platform rotation.
Fixed a case where the first connected speaker in a chain wouldn't play correctly if it was connected to a boom box
Catch some connected speaker errors
Remove the trigger exit code in BaseMountable. Handle it on tick in TriggerParent. The check is essentially free and this keeps everything together.
Added option to have TriggerParent accept mounted players. Turned it on for WorkCart and Cargo Ship.
Being mounting inside the trigger lets a player dismount in local trigger-space, which means client and server will sync up. Otherwise the client/server delay can have them dismounting into invalid space.
I had previously added "unparentOnMount" to BaseMountable as an option for the Cargo Ship microphone to fix the same bug. Refactored it to the new system; it can just check whether the trigger has parentMountedPlayers set to true now.