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updated mil tunnel scientist AI design
▄▋▅█▌ ▊▋▌▇ ▉▌▉▇▍▍_▊▍▄▇▅▅▉_▄▉█_▌
Fix assertion on calling IsVisible on updating visibility
small Chase / TakeCover state improvements & cleanup
█▌▄▌█▄█ ▇▍█▊▅▆▇▌▋▊▆▆▍▋▋▉█▅▌▆▇▍ ▋▆▆▊█▉, ▍▅▇▌▆ ▄▉▇▅▌▋▌▊▅▄▄▌▍▇▇▊▇▊▋▊▌▄ █▆▅▇▉▌
▍▉▇▊▄▅▍▌ ▌▄▌█▉▌▅ ▅▆ ▊▆▉▊▉▇'▅ ▄▆▇ ▋▊▍ ▍▄▆▇▆▍▇ ▊▊▊ ▇▇▋ ▄▇▌▉ ▊▄ ▌▌█▆▅▅▇▆▆ (▉▋▋▆▆▌ ▅▌ ▆▅▊% ▅▌▉▍)
Fix AO proxies appearing on invisible objects or out of PVS
Added reserved position and entity slot enums for AIMemoryBank, switched placeholder hardcoded values to use them.
Animal roam state now returns to home point if no suitable roam points are found from current position.
▌▇▉▋▆▊▅▌▇▉▍ ▆▌▋▇▊▉▅▅ ▄▅▉▊▋
Fix bug where whole object would not cast shadows if one material would be flagged as not castable
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add setters for PhysicsBody Mass and LocalMassCenter. Wheel tool copies mass of attached prop (for now)
Give thrusters a massless mode
▆▉█▅▌ ▄▌▇▍ /█▋▍▋▆▆▋▇ - ▆▄▌▋▌▅▊▇ ▋▇ █▊ ▆▇ ▅▇▆▋▊▉▍ █▊▍▇▋
Added BestMovementPointMaxDistance and BestCoverPointMaxDistance to BaseNavigator. These can be used to optimize AIPoint lookups per AI npc/location. This allows the new grid to still be used for optimizations whilst still working for the tunnel dweller range changes on main.
Carry out repeated UnparentDelayedCheck checks a bit less frequently
Clean up the list, remove any orphaned failed IDs that aren't children anymore
Prefabed oilrig structures to make updates easier
Shadow proxies pass on oilrigs
Expands on Jarryd's post-unparent-failure safety check. Instead of checking once, keeps checking at intervals until it's confirmed that the player is outside the bounds and unparented
removing old residential buildings prefabs
shadow proxies for residential buildings, prefabed residential buildings and variants from compound to make future updating easier
Fix inverted ShouldUnparent
Commit Jarryd's backup check: "0.5s after we reject an Unparent check all parented players to see if they are still around and unparent any that are invalid"
Be safer with the padding check (won't affect work cart as it has 0 padding anyway)
Merge trigger exit fix -> Workcart
tweaking shadow casters on a handfull of prefabs
Potential fix for falling off back of workcart issue:
Check bounds intersect when unparenting (we already do this when parenting)
New check is behind a bool so it's only enabled on the workcarts
Changed Train Engine shut off logic to check if any players are parented to it rather than checking trigger contents (since a player could now leave the trigger but still be considered parented as it's enclosed in the volume)
Subtract continuous physics change since it didn't help
tweaked barrage
tweaked broadside, etc
quad stage supports 2 player
sliders stage supports 2 player
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
fixed powerup icon depth level
Update hurtEffect.json
chromatic aberration option works
make sure to disable status camera effects
tweaked centipede despawning behaviour
Switch workcart from Discrete to Continuous Speculative
Remove the extra trigger check at the end of the base player tick since it didn't help the issue
Add teleport2death convar to go to the last death location
Working on letting bakes have shared resources
Updated Jenkinsfile
Merge branch 'master' into bake-refactor
Merge branch 'master' into bake-refactor
Updated Jenkinsfile
Fixed case where codegen would try to redeclare a variable
Fixed baking single stages
Automatically group shared generated methods into files
Cleaned up including other generated files, output seems good now
Merge branch 'bake-refactor'
When winning a jackpot (anything that shoots confetti) block pulling for 4 seconds
▆▋█▆█ ▍▉▌▄▍▋▍▍▆▅█▊▄█▍▊▅▆▊▄▍▉ ▅▇▋▌▅▅. ▊▋▊█ ▆▉▉▆▍, ▉▊▉ █▇▅ ▄▍█▍█▄▅ ▄█▋▅▉ ▇▇█▇ ▅▊▌▆█'█ ▍▇█. ▌▊▊▊▊▅▊▊█ ▄█▇▍▊▅█▊ ▅▊ ▅▍▆▌█, ▆▉ ▌▉▄ ▊▊▍▄ █▉ ▇██▌▊█ ▍▍▇▄ ▍▅ ▍▋▌▋▇▆▆.
Merge Workcart -> Main. Merges André's trigger update test and parent trigger changes.
André's test fix, call ForceUpdateTriggers at the end of every player tick if the player is parented
Disable clipping check on the work cart platform parenting trigger, just in case it's involved in people getting kicked off
Workcart parenting tweaks
Move glow stuff to Renderingpipeline rather than client
Update game console compiled css with what was on dev
Cleanup glow
More cleanup, HDR buffers
Nicer physgun glow color
Glow stencil shader
Reference on future steps
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Hammer: Fixed releasing LMB/RMB outside of the 3D view while paining displacements continuing to paint until you reclick in the 3D view