248,557 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Recyclers to both fishing villages.
Terrain backup
Added debug_playercontroller
Conver type conversion uses string.ToType()
Fixed Color.Lerp being internal
Viewmodel FOV is controlled by viewmodel
Radtown3 terrain integration WIP
Fixed dying by poison damage not showing on the death screen
▄▆▉▋▇ ▆▇▍▇ ▆▅▄▍▅▍▋▌▍█/▇▊▉
▉▍▌▉▌▇▍█ ▆▌█▆▆▊▆▅█ ▆█▍█▆▄▋▄ ▆▌ ▇▉▊ ▋ ▅▇▇ ▆▋▌▇▄▇▌█▅
▉▇█▅▍▊▄█ /▍▅▍▋/▌▉▌▍▊▄▇▅▆▋▊▄ ▌▍▅▄ ▄▄▄ ▊▉▆▉▊ ▆
Update entity.uploadsign so it works with photo frames too
█▌▄▊▄ ▌▅█▋ ██▅█▉█▊▋▌▇/▇▍▇
▍▉▇█▊ ▍▊▍ ▉▄▋▇▋▄▋ ▄▇ ▅▇▄▌▄▅ ▍▉▄▉▆▆▊ ▍▌▇▅█ ▉▋▍▅█ ▄▄ ▇▋▄ ▋▍▊▆▋█▌▊▍▆, ▌▇█▍▉ ██▊ ▍▅▌ ▍▊▉▆ ▆▇▄▌▍▋▋ █▍▋▅▍ ▍▉▅▄▆ (█▍▉▅▇▄ ▉▄▉█ ▇▊▅ ▌▇▄▄█ ▄▌▋▍▉▅▍)
▍▍▍▄▋▆▋ ▌▇▇▆▋█▍▇ ▋▉▍▆▆. ▉▉▌ ▆ ▇▋▌▍▊▄ ▅▇▉▅ ▋█▄▊▌ ▇█▉▅ ▉▍▄ ▆▉▄ █▆▍▅▉ ▌▇▅
▇▊▆▌▆▇▇▇▆▍▉▄▋ █▊▅▅▇ + ▆▌█▇▊
▌▇▉▊▌█▌ ▌▄▉, ▋▆▄▍ ▍▉▊ ▋▅█ ▆▄█ ▉▅█▅▋▅ ██▋▋
▇▄▌ ▇▇▊█▇▍▆▄█ ▇█▆▍▆▄ ▅▄▅▌▇ ▆▄ ▌▆▅▌▊▄▉▇▄▋▇▊▉▇.▊▅▋█▅▇_▇▆▉▋▄▌▊▍▌▆█▋▊▇▉▇▇▉
▆██▍█▌▉▇▋ █ ▉▌▍▇▌▊█▌ ▅▆▌▇ ▍ ▉▌▉▉ ▌▆▄ ▇▍▉▄▄ ▆▍'▆ ▍▉▊▅▇▍▇ ▊▉█ ▉▋▊▋▉ █▌▍█ ▍▅▍▇ ▊▅▋ ▅▉▇ ▍▇▊▋ ▆▌▊ (▊▋▄▄▅ ▆▍▄▇▉▇▊ █▄▅▄▋ ▍▄▄▅▍▄)
▋▅▋ ▋▄▄▄▌▉▅ ▌▅▆ ▌▅▄▄▆▄▍ ▋▄▌▅▋▌▋▆ ▄▆▍▋▅▍▊▆▅ ▉▌ ▍▌▌ ▋▌▋▋▅██▊ ▉▆▌ ▆▊▊▇▊▄▅▆ ▌▌▇▅▄ ▍▇▅ ▍▍██ ▅▄▌ ▇▍▇ ▄▊▆▋▇▊▊▍▌
▅▆▊▅▊ ▇ ▋▇▆▍▊▋ ▆▆▄▅▋ ▇▄▋▇▇▇ ▅█▍ ▅█▅▋▌▍ ▍▍▊▄▊ █▆▆▉▄▄▉▆ ▄▅█▅ ▆▅▍▊▊▄▌ ▍▉▊ ▊▆▇▆█
▊▍▍ ▍▆▉▆▌▅/▊▌▍▉▋▇ ▉▇▋▍▇▆▅
Satdish island tunnel revamp, loot and other fixes
▊█▉█ ▆▋▇▌▌▌█ █▅▋ ▍▆█▉▍ ▉▍▊▋ ▄▅▄ ▉▉▇▇▋▅▋▌ ▉▍▅█
▅▅▌-▆▌/▌▍▇▋▉▊▊█ ▆▆▊▄▌▌▅ ▌▇▊▋▄ ▇▊▍▄▉ ▇▌ ▇▌▆▌ ▇▋▊▍█. ▍▋▄▄ ▉▌▇▌▋▋▅▋▌▆ ▋█▅▆ █▅▄▇ ▅▅ ▋▆▊▍▇▇▆▆▍▊▍▊▉▊█▉▇▅▇▌. +▆▅▉▉▉█▅▉
Merge random_opt_2 -> experimental
Fix bug in NetWrite.EnsureCapacity where it might not expand the buffer enough
fixed vanilla gamemode spawn issues
Four way junction meshes, LODs, colliders and prefabs
Added fake "black" shader which fixes a bunch of l4d2 maps having wireframe textures in the skyboxes
Adjusted color of water on L4D2 maps
Added fixed versions of nuke_clouds materials
Fixed Switch build error
Fixed ECS bullets having 0 mass by default
Fixed possible exception when validating replays
Fixed legacy bullet properties not being set
Merge random_opt_2 -> experimental
Facepunch.Steamworks bug fix + Steamworks SDK 1.51 upgrade
autocomplete is a MenuCmd
Added Global.IsListenServer
Added Player.IsListenServerHost
Added Player.HasPermission( string )
Made Command abstract
Allow listen server hosts to run protected commands
Replicated vars codegen etc
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixed Lua errors when giving a rope constraint an empty string as the material to use
initial outpost peacekeeper AI design
Handle GlowState if it's in an invalid state when setting GlowActive
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add glow to grabbed physgun object
Bind and implement glow
Change signature
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
merged from skins_recently_used
BaseFollowPathState pathing optimisation.