223,459 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
Fixed Utils.DynamicEaseTo
7 Years Ago
Merged from main
7 Years Ago
Fixed missing options toggles
7 Years Ago
Added rooftop generation Wall section prefabs
7 Years Ago
WIP tribe creation and game setup revamp (added scenario and island choices to start new game screen on main menu)
7 Years Ago
Goal.ModuleWrapper can be null when the GPV is player instigated, so let's check for it.
7 Years Ago
Remove Module weight from Goal Plan score evaluation.
7 Years Ago
GPV now holds a CalculateScore() rather than duplicating the formulae all over the place.
7 Years Ago
Goal Plan's final score is now multiplied by the module weight rather than Goal.
7 Years Ago
FindBestModule should probably not always return false.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Use section order
7 Years Ago
Karma moved to docdb Analytics graphs, not curved Drag Sortable links Fixed "preview blog" showing on published blogs Save section order on blog
7 Years Ago
office plastic_panels_b texture set + mats
7 Years Ago
█ ▄▋▆▌▍ ▋▍ ▆▋▋▆▇▅▌, ▊▇▄ ▊▄▉▅ ▊▊▋▄▋▆▋█▅ ▇█ ▌▄ ▇▉▉▊█▇ ▅▉▇ ▆▇▅▉▌▊▋
7 Years Ago
Fix DMM GPV and how Agent+DM was interacting with it.
7 Years Ago
office lift texture set + mats
7 Years Ago
Probably a good idea to instantiate GPV in DMM.
7 Years Ago
Goal now holds on to its DecisionMakerModule, and just forwards DMM's AIModuleSettingsWrapper instead.
7 Years Ago
Check with DM whether the Module is active/valid before we try to score it.
7 Years Ago
First iteration of new Decision Maker based on Modules up for evaluation (untested at runtime).
7 Years Ago
▄ ▅▊▋▄▅ ▌█▅▆, ▍▊ ▅▋▋▄▆
7 Years Ago
Removed replay.spr Added *.spr to .gitignore
7 Years Ago
▅ ▋▄▅▍▌▋ █▇▄█▆▉▋ ▅▆▅▊▍, ▉▋▇▅▌ ▊▌█ ▌▆▊█ ▋▄▄▅▋, ▄▊▅▊▆▊▋▇ ▍▇▆ ▊▋▌▋▍▍ ▄▆▋▉ ▆▉▄▇▍ ▆▊▉▊ ▅█▊ █▆██ ▇▇▄▊▌ !▌ ▆▊▌▄ █▌▉▋▍▋ ▇▆▌▄▅
7 Years Ago
More UI
7 Years Ago
Various UI stuff, improved options/scenario prep
7 Years Ago
Made a basic (non-functional so far) payphone interface
7 Years Ago
Basic phone interaction scripts.
7 Years Ago
Payphones spawning on maps
7 Years Ago
topos & height
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Improved my single user interactable base class
7 Years Ago
Working on a more generic one-user-at-a-time interaction system
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
cave + polish
7 Years Ago
Putting the steps together.
7 Years Ago
reference frame rate of 60
7 Years Ago
█ ▌▌▅▆▄▄▉ ▄▅▋▅▅▄ !▍ ▄▍▆▆▍▊▋▉▊ ▍▌▉▉▅
7 Years Ago
Menu fuckery
7 Years Ago
Set jenkins to 5.6.1f1
7 Years Ago
set global ui active again
7 Years Ago
Compile fix (bad unused directive)
7 Years Ago
Tile highlights now get parented and positioned with the tile colum in TileView::SetHeight()
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
▄ ▌▋▊ █▆▅▄▍▋▌ ▊▄▋▌▇ !▍ ▊█ ▋▉█▋▅▊▇▉/ ▌▄▉▆ ▆█▊▉▊█▍▋
7 Years Ago
some cleanup
7 Years Ago
Fixed shitloads of warnings.
7 Years Ago
Awards go to unique units first then uses duplicate units if they have awards and we're below the requested award amount
7 Years Ago
Anim controller/anim on awards
7 Years Ago
Upgrade to 5.6.1 Deleted UnityVS folder cus it was breaking stuff with new version and doesn't seem to be needed anyway?