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7 Years Ago
- WorldTimeManager init order fix. Previously when in editor, two WorldTimeManagers would get created, breaking things. Also added protection against this. - WorldTimeManager repeating schedule fix. Sometimes events were getting rescheduled such that they'd be scheduled for the same day by mistake, ending up in the past and never triggered. - WorldTimeManager removed check every update for expired events, instead preventing events from being created in the past in the first place. Events that fire are removed, so none end up in the past.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
more refactoring prep
7 Years Ago
background grid shader
7 Years Ago
Cuterush pivot
7 Years Ago
▌▊▌▌▋ ▋▋█▍▆▇▆▋▍▇
7 Years Ago
Fixed skin ss scatter not working Updated core generic shader
7 Years Ago
Disabled secondary light spec highlights on water surfaces
7 Years Ago
More rotor material tweaks
7 Years Ago
More deletes
7 Years Ago
More deletes
7 Years Ago
Deleting some sound files
7 Years Ago
More fx
7 Years Ago
Waterfall & river FX wip
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
started refactoring loads of shit
7 Years Ago
river and loot stuff wip
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
following bullets rotate, tweaked player movement a bit reset bullet color timer properly
7 Years Ago
Added state machine anim node. Playing correct anims for viewmodel.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
▋▊▋█▇▊▇▍ ▄▉▌▉█ ▋▆▍▋▄ ▆▊ ▋▍▍▆ ▅▄▄▉▌
7 Years Ago
Merge 11135 from main/2017b
7 Years Ago
Fixed Diplomacy.Add duplicate key
7 Years Ago
MatchAction wip experiments
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Scene stuff. Fixed the pine tree that someone made neon-green. Fixed the baby pines that somehow received growth hormones.
7 Years Ago
testing out some shit
7 Years Ago
Added useVertexNormal and doubleSided lighting option Reduced albedo on rotor materials for heli and cargo plane + enabled normal and double sided
7 Years Ago
Added rust/std particle for consistently lit particles + opaque/cutout deferred path Fixed wood and cloth flecks impact particle materials
7 Years Ago
moved launch_site silo to industrial structures folder, standalone model moved launch_site warehouse to warehouse folder, standalone model pavements modular set WIP scene re-arranging the office side flow, decluttering a bit
7 Years Ago
VictoryCondition can now have an associated condition value which the condition checker evaluates the gamestate against basic MatchDefinition and DeathMatch definitions
7 Years Ago
Moved to a class based VictoryCondition checker setup, so different victory conditions can be added to a GameInstance per match at runtime. Added team eliminated VC checker
7 Years Ago
pre forest tweak
7 Years Ago
radtown stuff
7 Years Ago
Blend space and state machine nodes ready to implement
7 Years Ago
first form of replay shows pxc background merge
7 Years Ago
Initial skeletal animation system, supports sequence playing and two way blending
7 Years Ago
wip turn queue bar test
7 Years Ago
TimeScale physics test Fixed EnemyOverlayWidget assigning multiple icons to the same Unit
7 Years Ago
Update support link for DirectX error message
7 Years Ago
More messing around trying to figure out the NoSteamAPI errors
7 Years Ago
Moved a file
7 Years Ago
Moved post pro into standard assets
7 Years Ago
scene stuff
7 Years Ago
Deleted old ExternalAssets in proj root
7 Years Ago
util.Trace* functions will no longer crash the game when used before the world is initialized (and will silently fail when used too soon)