223,523 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
Added GoalPlanSettingsEditor.ChainContainsBlackboardWrite
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Removed magenta debug print of active and dormant agents.
7 Years Ago
Ai tweaks
7 Years Ago
AI Modules can be flagged as default and will be automatically added to Agents that do not currently have them installed via OnValidate Fixed UnitBehaviourWidget NRE
7 Years Ago
Interaction Desire AI WIP
7 Years Ago
SmartObject.TrySubscribe breaks first subscription matching the same InteractionPlan, when forcing subscription
7 Years Ago
Removed LibNoise.Unity
7 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile
7 Years Ago
Unit now stores a reference to the gameinstance, removed all the parameters from it's check can move/attack etc functions.
7 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile
7 Years Ago
part 3, GameInfo is no more.
7 Years Ago
Fixed bad switch in BehaviourChain.SetActive
7 Years Ago
part 2
7 Years Ago
interactions module WIP
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Interaction Desire creation WIP
7 Years Ago
chimney and car wheels added
7 Years Ago
refactoring out GameInfo, part 1
7 Years Ago
Fixed a couple of packing bugs
7 Years Ago
Added nav_grid convar + ai tweaks.
7 Years Ago
Make ReplicationId in code proxy static (for now) Merge branch 'master' of SandboxGame Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SandboxGame
7 Years Ago
Added Replicates property to BaseEntity to disable collision capsule replication (they are spawned locally)
7 Years Ago
More dynamic DOF tweaks
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
Animation callbacks for carried flag to switch animator update mode Item equip replace in slot tweaks (moved code to Items component methods) Dynamic DOF fixes
7 Years Ago
Ai tweaks, better dynamic cover.
7 Years Ago
Network bullet forces
7 Years Ago
Moved DSE empty consideration group warning to editor validate Asset save
7 Years Ago
latest art
7 Years Ago
Implemented Workshop Item Subscription Added subscribing to items as well as the UGC interfaces GetNumSubscribedItems and GetSubscribedItems. Edited SteamUGC Method GetSubscribedItems to accept array instead of a ptr to allow c# calling Updated from feedback given Removed GetSubscribedItems, could not find a nice way to change to property Merge pull request #44 from moldfield1995/master Implemented Workshop Item Subscription
7 Years Ago
Merge pull request #1 from Facepunch/master Merge pull request #45 from richdog/master Added AppId check to Workshop.onItemInstalled, like with onDownloadResult Made OnItemInstalled event public so it can be used to handle workshop items being subscribed to in-game Modified summary for OnFileDownloaded to more accurately represent my experience with the event. Merge pull request #46 from richdog/master Made changes surrounding OnItemInstalled and OnFileDownloaded events in Workshop.cs
7 Years Ago
Update README.md
7 Years Ago
added a bunch of first pass utility buildings to see if they are useful
7 Years Ago
DSE ignores empty consideration groups
7 Years Ago
Merged from GameTips
7 Years Ago
updated texs
7 Years Ago
Achievement UI (hidden)
7 Years Ago
unsued variable fixes
7 Years Ago
Removed Steam game object
7 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.Unity.dll
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
AgentParameters.OnValidate ensures modules are held by the correct DM
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Finished packer improvements + cleaned up
7 Years Ago
Fixed Agent editor NRE
7 Years Ago
Fixed plugins
7 Years Ago
Clouds of war particle systems scale their emission rates with zone size
7 Years Ago
fixed CmdSurrender requiring current turn permission GameInstance wip stuff
7 Years Ago
working on building prefab 3