256,252 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

8 Years Ago
Added getLoadProgress() to ILoadable and ILoader
8 Years Ago
Finished first stage of pbr standard base layer packer Added extra functionality to ImageUtil + raw data workflow
8 Years Ago
InfluenceAndTerritory.InfluenceMap exposed as InfluenceQuadTree rather than ISwappableGrid
8 Years Ago
Moved return to territory into a separate module for humans
8 Years Ago
String interps in Combat and Activity
8 Years Ago
Redirect to https
8 Years Ago
Added optional progress callbacks to Http get requests
8 Years Ago
Beta key uploading, downloading, deleting
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Added lights to prison
8 Years Ago
ui tweak
8 Years Ago
Added UI components for battery and capacitor
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
fixed an occluder of one watchtower
8 Years Ago
arena bounds pattern params bullet hit effect None Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
8 Years Ago
Removed clouds of war crap from scenes
8 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.API
8 Years Ago
Renamed `onComplete` to `onFinished` for consistency
8 Years Ago
Added optional `onComplete` callback to `Database.Query`
8 Years Ago
Rest of the foliage texture sheet factored into tinting mask Flower clutter spawn slightly taller
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Notifications no longer sent globally. Fixed some UI buttons that are fucked up.
8 Years Ago
Added isCarried bool to HumanView
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Using UTF8 encoding for database requests Merge branch 'master' of UnityBaseProject
8 Years Ago
if human is attached dont try and put on the ground
8 Years Ago
Fixed enemy unit button fuckups when dead
8 Years Ago
Give units the InCombat flag if they are being attacked
8 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings
8 Years Ago
Changed url
8 Years Ago
-Tall grass clusters and dungeon foliage do not displace -Tint tweaks, contrast, grass overall shorter
8 Years Ago
More unary tests
8 Years Ago
Fixed unary parsing
8 Years Ago
Added back to menu
8 Years Ago
Adjusted item pouch color to look different from the hidden stash
8 Years Ago
List of beta requests Beta stats
8 Years Ago
decreased projectile trigger radius of spears and arrows
8 Years Ago
Fix for mode specific value UI not reseting after a match
8 Years Ago
Fixed player profile button not being set to interactable on connection
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Fixed some post effects
8 Years Ago
Added Semaphore to beta signup.. which probably isn't needed but better safe than sorry.
8 Years Ago
arbitrary pos func vec2
8 Years Ago
Fix for connection NRE
8 Years Ago
Added failing test for negation
8 Years Ago
more text mesh pro....
8 Years Ago
beta signup
8 Years Ago
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