userBill Bcancel

13,158 Commits over 2,830 Days - 0.19cph!

1 Year Ago
Override ToString in the TimeSince classes. This makes the actual elapsed time show in a debug log automatically (even without a .ToString()), without having to cast it to float.
1 Year Ago
Partial setup of the caboose as a working train carriage
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Caboose
1 Year Ago
Added missing ladder volumes to the loot wagon
1 Year Ago
Removed extra TrainWagonA ladder volumes
1 Year Ago
Moved all train car ladder volumes under the Shared GameObject
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Caboose
1 Year Ago
Cherry pick 73848 and 73849 to Main
1 Year Ago
Fixed missing train car assignments
1 Year Ago
Removed duplication in train audio code. TrainEngineAudio is now a subclass of TrainCarAudio.
1 Year Ago
If the Place Monument component has no monument assigned, don't try to place it.
1 Year Ago
Merge PerentVelocityInherit -> Main. Train wagons now support parented vehicles correctly, and velocity is correctly retained.
1 Year Ago
When a rigidbody is parented to another rigidbody, the child rigidbody actually inherits the velocity even while parented. Therefore the forced velocity change in OnParentChanging was actually doubling-up the velocity in those cases. I've set it to NOT adjust the velocity in the case of the parent having its own rigidbody, and that's fixed it, apart from a remaining momentary jitter when entering and leaving the trigger (as seen here when the minicopter transitions across the wagon's trigger: I wonder if it's now a client interpolation issue.
1 Year Ago
Disable vehicle parenting on workcarts and locomotive (already disabled on wagons). We shouldn't really have this enabled unless we can get physics velocity to translate properly when entering/leaving the parenting zone.
1 Year Ago
Enabled vehicle parenting for all train car parent triggers
1 Year Ago
Fixed train collision triggers getting the wrong base entity if an entity with a rigidbody entered the collision trigger while parented to the train car.
1 Year Ago
Tell cars not to sleep if they're parented to another rigidbody. Mainly because Unity doesn't seem to allow it anyway (even if the parent rigidbody is asleep)
1 Year Ago
Added repel + damage triggers to locomotive and wagons, and re-enabled it for the workcart (was disabled in 59352 due to a bug).
1 Year Ago
Merge TrainWorkContinued -> Main
1 Year Ago
A couple of minor edits
1 Year Ago
Get hurtTiggerUser once, instead of every tick
1 Year Ago
- Added methods to check all, or individual, train track splines in prefabs for potential tangent issues. - Fixed up the dodgy tangents in four train tunnel prefabs. - Removed the temporary workaround for the broken ones, and some now-unused methods. - Regenerated spline data. - Some formatting. One remaining problem with the updated splines joining up so this can't go on Main just yet.
1 Year Ago
Fixed getting hit by trains sometimes parenting the player instead of damaging them
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Caboose
1 Year Ago
Merge TrainWorkContinued -> Main
1 Year Ago
Trains now check for available space BEFORE spawning, and try a new position if needed
1 Year Ago
Updated wagon gibs to the new wagon colours
1 Year Ago
Fixed up gibs for WagonA/WagonB/WagonC
1 Year Ago
Fixed missing car icon
1 Year Ago
Added death screen names and icons for modular car deaths, and for snowmobile deaths
1 Year Ago
Added missing train entity in death screen list
1 Year Ago
- Added death screen icons and names for all the new train components. - Fixed a couple of bugs with train wagon gibs.
1 Year Ago
Another small fix
1 Year Ago
OnPostFill virtual method fix
1 Year Ago
Spawn some extra train engines if there aren't enough to fill all sidings
1 Year Ago
Spawn one train engine at every siding before moving on to spawning the rest of them randomly. At low spawn populations, there may still not be enough engines to have one per siding
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> TrainWorkContinued
1 Year Ago
F1 grenade meta fix
1 Year Ago
Merge TrainWorkContinued -> Main (general bug fixes)
1 Year Ago
Code review: Added divide-by-zero check.
1 Year Ago
Code review: Save GC with orePlaneRenderers.
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> TrainWorkContinued
1 Year Ago
Disable the ore plane gameobjects when the transform scale is at zero (less efficient than disabling just the renderers, but since there are multiple LODs this keeps it simple)
1 Year Ago
Merge MoreTrainFixes -> TrainWorkContinued
1 Year Ago
Added traincar.decayminutes and traincarunloadable.decayminutesafterunload convars for decay times
1 Year Ago
Fixed not being able to enter the locomotive's rear door on upward inclines
1 Year Ago
Fixed wagon unload animation not ending if the wagon moved away from the vacuum while being unloaded
1 Year Ago
Additional null check in SpaceIsClear. Fixes NRE when a train spawns inside a collider which isn't an entity
1 Year Ago
Improved wagons flying away too fast when uncoupled, or after collisions
1 Year Ago
Fixed two situations where train cars would end up with the reverse of the speed they should have after coupling or uncoupling