userBill Bcancel

13,114 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

3 Months Ago
Temporary null tests in HumanNPC CreateCorpse
3 Months Ago
Basic ability to zoom in/out
3 Months Ago
White loading texture
3 Months Ago
Loading screen now works for clothing (not an entity)
3 Months Ago
Added loading spinner
3 Months Ago
Fixed wobbly text by increase UI plane distance (I think the UI was too small)
3 Months Ago
Fix server compile
3 Months Ago
Merge Main -> SkinViewer
3 Months Ago
Merge ParentIfValidFix -> Main
3 Months Ago
Added a TODO to some old code
3 Months Ago
CheckAllParenting method confirms that early-parented corpses actually did enter the trigger, and boots them out of the list if not
3 Months Ago
Basic working bounds check for ParentIfValid
3 Months Ago
Experimental fix for NRE in NPC death when in an invalid position
3 Months Ago
Removing my very buggy inside parent check in ParentIfValid for now. Will fix soon.
3 Months Ago
Avoid potential NRE in TriggerParent ParentIfValid
3 Months Ago
Catch any skin refresh failures, so we won't ever get stuck in skinRefreshInProgress forever
3 Months Ago
Missed file
3 Months Ago
Skin loading UI shows when it's actually supposed to (and doesn't show when it isn't)
3 Months Ago
Loading screen UI, fixed sizing etc with a change of UI type
3 Months Ago
Loading UI basic text and correct sizing
3 Months Ago
Merge Main -> SkinViewer again
3 Months Ago
Merge Main -> SkinViewer
3 Months Ago
Merge CorpseParentingFix -> Main
3 Months Ago
Better and safer early-parenting handling for SS corpses
3 Months Ago
Fixed SS ragdolls flickering (briefly invisible) when entering and leaving parenting triggers
3 Months Ago
Use a pooled list for triggersOnDeath
3 Months Ago
Add UNITY_EDITOR area in Buoyancy
3 Months Ago
Merge Main -> CorpseParentingFix
3 Months Ago
Merge NewRagdollImprovements -> Main
3 Months Ago
Merge Main -> CorpseParentingFix
3 Months Ago
Set player eye bodyRotation on the server to match their transform rotation on spawn. Fixes spawned players not having their rotation set on the server, causing their corpse ragdolls to not match their angle.
3 Months Ago
▆▉▊▄▇▌█ ▊▋▆▍▇▊▍▉ ▌▌▋ ▊▋▉▊▊ ▅▄▇▍▅▆▇ - ▍▄▅'▉ █▉▉█▄ ▆▌▊▆▄▌▍▅▉▇ ▊▄ ▅▋▋▍▉▌▉ ▍▍▍▇▇ ▇▇ ▍▅▄▉▍ ▆▇ ▊▇▍▍█▊▆ ▅▆▇▋
3 Months Ago
Let blackjack dealer hit on a soft 17
3 Months Ago
▅█▌▅▉▇▊▊▆ ▌▄▆▍▌▋▇▅▆ █▆▄▊ ▄▋▊▋▉ ▊▅▅█ ▄▉█ ▄▇ ▆▋, ▇▄▋▉▍▉▋▇▋ █ ▄▅▉▇▌▌ ▅█▇▅▉▋▌▄█▅ ▇▄▊█ ▌▇▄█▌██ ▉▋ █▍▆ ▍▄▊▍▉▅▅▊ ▇▉ ▍▅▅▊ ▅▋▅▌▆ ▋▋▇ ▊▊▄
3 Months Ago
Updating more materials
3 Months Ago
Missed RPC calls file changes
3 Months Ago
Update rowboat collider names to be clearer
3 Months Ago
Added a toast when player is dismounted from rowboat by seat clipping, which names the collider they clipped into and the entity it's on (if any). We can remove all this again once the bug is resolved.
3 Months Ago
▉▋▆▋█ ▌▌▍▍▆▄▅▇█▄█ ▌▌▄▍▍ ▇▊▍▋ ▆▆ ▆▄▌▌▄ ▍▅▆█▌ ▊▌▇▍▆▌▆▋▆▋
4 Months Ago
Include Vehicle Large in DroppedItemCheck
4 Months Ago
Merge MinicopterFreezeFix -> Main
4 Months Ago
Vehilce module settings edit
4 Months Ago
Merge MinicopterFreezeFix -> Main
4 Months Ago
Enabled it for modular cars and WorkCarts as well. Probably good to have on for anything with an enclosed cockpit
4 Months Ago
Fix ambiguous reference
4 Months Ago
- Added an option to all vehicles to have ragdolls from mounted players fall through the vehicle on death (not collide), even with server-side ragdolls on. Does not affect ragdolls that weren't mounted that collide with the vehicle. - Enabled it for the three helicopters.
4 Months Ago
Merge CorpseParentingFix -> Main
4 Months Ago
Handle triggers being null
4 Months Ago
Merge CorpseParentingFix -> Main
4 Months Ago
Improved unsafe ragdoll parenting method. Fixes glitchy corpses when players are killed in the back of a scrap heli.