244,583 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.61cph!
Attempted Linux build error fix
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added code to play some variation in the idle gestures every few seconds.
added some relaxed gestures that the player will play if he hasn't fired his gun in awhile.
* Fixed buildcubemaps not writing built cubemaps to the .bsp
Disabled saving for barrels and crates that spawn on spawn points (fixes duplicates on server restart)
fixed manifest building fuckup
Tweaks and cleanup, removing debug logs etc
Bumped steam.inf Patch Version
Better tint base on reed texture.
Added an error log message to when we try to make an animation callback, but there's no event callback available with the injected event name. Not 100% sure this is intended (that it should support accepting null), but until confirmed, better to call this than not).
Ehrm, made the relative_threshold in AlreadySubscribedToBetterDecision actually work as intended.
Added AlreadySubscribedToBetterDecision to Agent+DM + shifted to an int based test for score of 0 or less (with a resolution of 0.00001).
Neutral foliage textures.
Effects debug basic readout
pass dm score correctly in SB constructor overload
store DM score in SmartBehaviour
BeforeDebugObject improvements
Testing a max subscription cap in Agent+DecisionMaker
HIgh wooden wall is researchable, loot spawns very rarely
Include all bundled prefabs in the manifest (should fix high wall placement)
Fixed duplicate Bear threat in Deer settings.
* Fixed player poserparameters being desync on server after a model change
Exposed Agent's SmartBehaviourStack for debug
Draw Gizmo lines for the top 6 behaviors in the stack (because I ran out of colors)
* Fixed player poserparameters being desync on server after a model change
fixed the positioning of the spears in 3rd person
added some 3rd person jump specific animations for the spear
AgentManager back to ticking every 5 TOD seconds because effects and attribute steps were borked
Replaced "Not Holding/Being Held" with Can Pick Up consideration
Alternate texture for Igor
made test court environment steeper to show off background more, moved grass, tweaked water, added buildings
added new bush walls and wooden props to test court scene
Started on a generic TryAdd(Entity entity) function for Entity and EntityComponents, that is there to give a more generic interface for DepositItem and other such endeavors.
Expanded Entity with the EntityComponents partial, to further simplify Entity.
Some cleanup in Entity + more Entity caching.
Decision Context Myself and Target are both an Entity now, which makes accessing types a lot easier.
Fixed triangle foundation climbing
Added cooldown to jumping when on a ladder
better material mat obj component checks/handling, also automatically added to prefabs in SPM processing util
island002 topo remake, decor spawn tweaks