256,438 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Hold shift and scroll to change colour
Add BoomerSpectatorCamera, can switch targets with Left, Right
Add free camera, use Jump to toggle, Menu & Use to switch targets now.
Refactored BoomerCamera, moved all of it into spectator cam, fixed up VMs for freecam
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
Pass cell spacing as a parameter
Give the player an item on spawn
Fix up tooltip
Enable pointer events on stash panel
Revert bandaid for StartTouch bug so can be tested for fix
Added a light source to an airbourne molotov.
Molotov fire trail properly detaches and burns out on impact instead of insta-vanishing.
Iterated on the trail.
Disable canvas by default on inventory & contacts
Reset players inventory on respawn
Fix projectile deviation when aiming close to a non-solid
Fix nail gun climbing if you've shot at something that is non-solid (like a pickup)
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
Add chatbox messages for when players join/leave spectator
Editor tool to toggle all canvas on or off
Auto hide lots of canvases
Add canvas disabler component
Shotgun rate of fire 1.2 > 1
Testing out applying rotations to brushes
Only send chunk data if chunk has both interior and exterior
Update chunk render meshes on worker threads
NoRocketSelfDmg command and map setting
Teleport Ent
Hide enable_shadows property on trigger entities in Hammer
Make TeleportVolumeEntity use EntityTarget class
Also fixes Hammer not having proper entity picker for TargetEntity property
Coaling tower unloading time longer
Coaling tower skip larger container
Fixed issue with unlimited ammo on other clients (Thanks Fortune!)
Reset any Navigator update delay when brain changes state
HUD tweaks
Fixed #1
Reduced resolution of HUD textures
Fix Qt text area padding
Fixes sbox-issues/issues/2122
Basic HUD with colour selection
Fixed several bugs with wagon vehicle_world colliders
Can now set an update delay for the next BaseNavigator update.
Added some delays to PetNavigator for situations where faster updates aren't needed.
Unfortunately, one more fix for coaling tower loot wagon detection
One more fix for checking the parent of the loot crates
Fixed coaling tower not detecting loot wagons well after
73343. Look at the parent entity.
body SetPosition and SetOrientation
Backup 2022/08/03 10:20:00 UTC
Do the same but from serialized rubikon mesh and hull data (ugh)
Fixed incorrect collision layers for vehicle use on the loot wagon crates. Sometimes during high-speed collisions between a train and a loot wagon, this would cause the train to think the crates were a static object and cause the train to come to a complete stop.
The TrainCar SpaceIsClear check now also ignores colliders on child entities, since otherwise it would now detect the crates as objects in the way.
Set body shape after shape is created
Minimum distance between edits
Impl AddSphereShape
Imp AddCapsuleShape
Fixed loot wagon only showing as 1/3 full
codegen after merge.
made pet UI a prefab to make future merges easier.
Remove MarkCallstack and MarkCallstackSkeleton
Remove GetOwnerDebugName
Impl physics body get shape (jolt only has 1 shape per body so I guess will need to get subshapes from compounds?)
merge from main and fixes
Remove interacts with and as nonsense