248,648 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
Added SbDataTable Bind DataTable Move network data get/set to DataTable object Fix citizen walk speed not networked Merge branch 'master' of sbox Fixed dark outline around text
4 Years Ago
cherrypicking 57227 57229 (sign fixes)
4 Years Ago
fix hard mech !redux !easy !nightmare
4 Years Ago
▅█▊ █ ▆▍▉▌▍ ▇▄ ▍▄▆▄▅▊▉ ▉▋ █▋█▋▇ ▇▍▍▉ ▋▌▇ ▍▇▇▇ ▍▌▇▉▍▌▆▅ ▊▆▇▋▇▄▍▆ █▅▌▇▄ ▍▅▌▍▉ ▆▅▉▋▍▊▌ ▋▅▋ ▆▄▌▉
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
▍▋█▆▉▊ ▌▋▅▅▊ ▆▍▅▌▇▄▌▇█
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
songs check if CurrentCore is null !redux !easy !nightmare
4 Years Ago
hard orb balance hard frame balance, etc added CampaignData.orderIgnoresLockedState build !redux !easy !nightmare
4 Years Ago
▌▇▌█▍▊ ▆▋▆▆ ▋▍█▍
4 Years Ago
Fix large neon signs not being visible in the painting UI when graphics are turned way down Add LOD scripts back to the small and medium neon signs
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
▆█▋▌▉ ▄▍ ▆▌▄▉ ▊ ▇█▅█ █▄▅▅▆▉▉▋
4 Years Ago
Fix lower brush alphas acting like an eraser on the regular signs
4 Years Ago
merge from /save_reliability
4 Years Ago
merge from /sleeping_bag_cooldown_placement
4 Years Ago
merge from /team_name_character_fix
4 Years Ago
merge from viewmodel_shadows_fix
4 Years Ago
Iterate on water, start shading it Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
▉█▌▇█▍▌▋▍▉█ ▅▉▋▆▅▉▊▍█▆▌▇
4 Years Ago
Art Drop
4 Years Ago
▉▌█▍ ▉▅▍ ▋▋▋▍▊ ▅▋▌▌ ▊ █▌▋ ▄▇▄▊ ▋▊▉▌▇▌▆
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
█▆▄ ▉▊█▄ ▋█▄█ ▄▋▊ █▊▌▆▌▍
4 Years Ago
Some more options for perf-stats-plot.py Show 95 and 99 percentiles in perf-stats-plot.py
4 Years Ago
Add support for maintaining the previous N saves as backups, configurable with server.savebackupcount (minimum 2)
4 Years Ago
Fixed nested performance stats category names Added performance stats to Pxc components Got rid of native calls when timing replay validation Unit component profiling in Switch release builds Fixed nested categories in perf-stats-plot.py
4 Years Ago
█▄▆▊▌▍▆▋ ▍▉▉▍▄▊▊ ▅▅ ▋▊▇▆▌ ▄▉ ▅▋█▅, ▊▍▄▍ ▅▉▆▍ █▄▌▇▇▍▍▉
4 Years Ago
Mountain splats
4 Years Ago
Add Transform.Zero Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Various terrain
4 Years Ago
Spawnmenu handles screen resolution changes better
4 Years Ago
Fix auto shader compiler not working on addons
4 Years Ago
Art drop
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
testing category
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
fix category headers if no title
4 Years Ago
header for messages
4 Years Ago
Support multiple box-shadow Aadded text-shadow support Text shadow shader (broken as all fuck) Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
typoe on class woops
4 Years Ago
Private messages style