248,651 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
█▍▇▊▆ ▌▅▍▋▋▋▄▉ ▇▌▄▇▄▇▄ ▆▆▄▄▉▆▇.
█▆▉▆▋▋▍ ▋▌▅▋▅▉.
Add Rect3D
AsyncSetTextureData2 doesn't need TextureConfig
AsyncSetTextureData2 uses Rect3D
Texture cleanup
Added NativeEngine.CTextureDesc
Interop: using [asref] when returning from native doesn't try to return a ref
Bind RenderDevice.GetTextureDesc
Add Texture.Width, Height, ImageFormat
Fixed skull spike 3 extra materials in lod 1 and 2
Updated prefab.
Roof conditional corners only apply when the roof tiers match
Improved data index system for the world splines. Fixes new data getting generated sometimes by re-scanning for existing data. Also allows different prefabs with the exact same spline data to share the same data.
Enabled grass displacement by default, renamed convar to grass.displacement (from grass.displace) to ensure old config values are ignored
NRE fix in BaseMelee.PlayerAttack when hitting world with a melee weapon
Play the old phone dialling sfx when a number is being entered in the dial UI
Play the sounds of 8 numbers being entered when dialling a directory number
Fixed ringing sound not looping
Switched remote ringing sound to the correct sfx
Merge Workcart -> WorkcartRotation
Allow player to see the tooltip for as long as they're looking at the lock. Only start the timer until it shows again when they look away.
Only show the info on how to break a car's lock at most once every five minutes, instead of every time the player looks at the lock (fixes it showing up too much if e.g. a player who doesn't have access is riding on the back in a flatbed)
When a telephone is disconnected the client can now tell whether the disconnect happened because of the local phone or the remote phone
Exposed FailedRemoteHangUp and FailedSelfHangUp sfx fields
Added profiling for train code.
Fixed an incorrect instrument tip telling players to turn off num lock to play instruments
Changed priority of instrument tips so that the full keyboard tip appears before the other instrument tips (should help players that don't have a numpad at all)
Fixed build placement guide sometimes not getting tinted when equipping the planner
Fix workshop not saving dirt parameter values when exporting/publishing
Increase texture size limit on hoodie from 1024 to 2048
Basic image loading
Fixed scroll direction
▍▉▍▍ ▆▉▇▍▄▊ ▉▍▇ ▍█ ▇▄█ ▋▉▇ ▌▆▇▇▅█▋ ▅▋▅ ▍▍▇▄▌▍
Mouse wheel scrolling basics
some ui_ debug convars
Remove F_STENCIL_MASKING from ui shaders
Added NativeRect
Bind RenderContext.SetScissorRect
UI overflow != visible scissor culls
Cull panels if overflow != visible
▇▄█▍▄▆ ▄██▋▌▄▍▇ ▍▆▍ ▇▊▉▊▊█▊ ▌▌▅▊ ▌▋▆▊▍▆▆▊ ▋▇ ▉▆▄▆▆▌ ▆▄▉'▍ ▌▅▍ ▍█▌ ▆▋▊▌▄▅ ▄▇▊ ▊▉▆▄▊▄ ▇█▊▋█▉
▌▋▋▋▉▇ ▊▍▇▇▄▆▆ ▋▆▉▉ ▊▊▅▉▇▆▆ ▋▆▆▄▉▍▌▇▉▆, ▍▊▍▊▇ ▊▆▍▊▋▊ ▆▆▌▋ ▄▌▉ ▋▊▄███▍ ▇▄▉ █▇▉▋▋▄ ▌▊▊ ▌▇▍▍▉▊▉▊▉
▇█▄ █ ▅█▅█▆▄▇ █▉▆ ▉▍▅▄▉▌█ ▅▅ ▍ ▊▊██▆▅▉ ▄▅
▋▅▇ ▆▊▉▋▍ ▄▊ ▊▊▌▋▌ ▇▋█▉█▆▍▍
credits stuff
more credits pixels
ffd icon
laser sight lost when hit
credits text
more credits text
credits crawler text
▆▌▊▄▆ ▋▆█▍▆▌ ▌▆▆▅▋▆▌▉ ▄▅ ▊▋▆█▇▋▆
Integration for centralized banning (see https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/centralized-banning)
Text tweak
Panel children sorting
Friend list ordering
Fixed redrawing text for no reason
Update baseaccess.txt
Classes use HashSet
Design tweaks
No longer receive high amounts of radiation walking past Launch site main building
Update steam_api64.dll
Adding Facepunch.Steamworks
steam_client forwards steam callbacks, so we don't have to fuck about with shit
Remove old manual steam stuff and use fpsw instead
▉█▉█▆ ▄█▆▄▅▍ '▍▋▅▇▋▇' ▅▋ ▅▌█
▄▉▄ ▇▊▋ ▊█▍▇ ▍▊▋ ▄▉▋▍▌▇▍▄ ▊█ █▊▅▌▆ █▅▌ █ ▅▍▄-▅▌▅██▌▍█ █▌▉
Restored menuui and menuvideo from xmas themed
UserData + Replicated Convar binds