256,518 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

10 Years Ago
* Updated Bootil to latest version ( Attempted fix for autorefresh folder locking ) * GitSync * Added GetAmmoName( int id ) * Added GetAmmoID( string name ) * Added GetAmmoMax( int id ) - Returns real maximum value for given ammo type * Added CTakeDamageInfo:GetDamageBonus() * Added CTakeDamageInfo:SetDamageBonus( float bonus ) * Added CTakeDamageInfo:SetReportedPosition( Vector pos ) * Added CTakeDamageInfo:GetDamageCustom() * Added CTakeDamageInfo:SetDamageCustom( float custom ) * Added CRecipientFilter:RemovePAS() * Added CRecipientFilter:GetPlayers()
10 Years Ago
Added a way way bigger template for road map.
10 Years Ago
Bridge Lods, texture tweaks and AssetGallery update.
10 Years Ago
Bear skin fix
10 Years Ago
Missed a bit
10 Years Ago
Added Toggle UI button (F10) Added Toggle Free Camera button and hacky free camera implementation (F11) Some workarounds with IEntityContainer to get deposits working for Machine again... Tweaking MachineProcessEffect AttributeModifier tinkering
10 Years Ago
Bird max.
10 Years Ago
Icon updates
10 Years Ago
Defer player position updates by one frame instead of every tick received
10 Years Ago
Replacing IsInvoking usage because it's slow
10 Years Ago
Missed adds Also in last commit : added AttributeModifier and calculation using them to Attribute
10 Years Ago
Lots of tweaks around effects mostly
10 Years Ago
Added MeasurementType to MeasurementParamters Lots of editor cleanup, tweaks and improvements
10 Years Ago
bridge mesh tweaks and AssetGallery update.
10 Years Ago
Added basic ammo. Fixed death problems. Fixed held item problems.
10 Years Ago
Reworking replay system
10 Years Ago
█▇▆▆ ▍█▆ ▊▆▊▇▄: ▌▅▆▅▌ ▆▇▆▄▋ ▆▊▆ ▆▅▉▅▄▆, ▊▉▊▅▋▆ ▄▌▆▋▉▇▆
10 Years Ago
Update phrases
10 Years Ago
Item spawn balance
10 Years Ago
created second wild west camera for orbitting rocks and set them to cloud layer. Added balls building and balls_anim to courtcontroller setting that hides them down court.
10 Years Ago
Deleting conditions Fixing resharper
10 Years Ago
Resharper class template
10 Years Ago
Editor tweaks
10 Years Ago
added Dylan's new sparks particles (new new particles). changed material on prefab rocks. Changed lighting. Added breaking rocks animations and drill spaceship flyby anims. Tweaked texture and material colours.
10 Years Ago
compound walls art work, incl. lods, gibs, collisions
10 Years Ago
DepositItem action will now use the DepositItemIntention data when running, if it's available. Otherwise it falls back to old ways...
10 Years Ago
Updated all Action constructors to accept Interaction.
10 Years Ago
Renamed IIntention interface to Intention. Added DepositItemIntention.
10 Years Ago
Set up so that PlayerController can inject specific Intentions for SO subscriptions.
10 Years Ago
Renamed water reflections to water quality in F2 menu
10 Years Ago
Made clientside HoldType handling less hacky, hopefully more robust
10 Years Ago
First step towards the introduction of Intention.
10 Years Ago
Ripping out "Controller Interactions" related code, and all interactions generated at runtime by containers Added AddInputToMachine Interaciton and DSE
10 Years Ago
Fixed a bug with calculating the percentage of how completed a building is (with respect to requirements). Related to issue #99681576
10 Years Ago
Minor foundation step terrain socket fix
10 Years Ago
Fixed that the SpawnHandler respawn coroutines could stop spawning when an exception was thrown
10 Years Ago
Removed rigidbodies from socket_handle and construct_vision (test)
10 Years Ago
TerrainCollisionTrigger ignores other triggers
10 Years Ago
▍▌▊▍▌▊ ▅▋▍ ▋▉▆▄▊
10 Years Ago
Removed unused materials
10 Years Ago
Renamed and moved main game scene
10 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to craft some inventory items
10 Years Ago
Soliciting reviews in game is now against Steam's Rules
10 Years Ago
skin_head prefab wasn't referencing skin_head_fem prefab. Now is doing.
10 Years Ago
CraggyIsland layer updates
10 Years Ago
more bridge decal tweaks.
10 Years Ago
Don't check for construction in DeployVolume
10 Years Ago
pumpjack fuel balance
10 Years Ago
pumpjack belt stops with animation
10 Years Ago
Fixed player server colliders