224,004 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

2 Years Ago
Add leaderboard entries for session leaderboard ui Navigate to session leaderboard by default
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Initial work on foliage vertex data generator Add FoliageVertexSwayGenerator node to editor
2 Years Ago
Display a gold crown over the #1 player's head Move nametag slightly up if the player is crowned
2 Years Ago
Give bots a random completion time for debug purposes Fix game end screen not showing top 3 players
2 Years Ago
Temp map textures
2 Years Ago
Merge from arctic_bases
2 Years Ago
update to icicle meshes reduced the depth and reach to work better on railings fixed a normal flipped mesh
2 Years Ago
Whitelist System.IO.StreamReader/TextReader ( explicitly the Stream constructor only )
2 Years Ago
Basic key bind menu https://files.facepunch.com/matt/1b2411b1/sbox_VIhmptifiG.png Remove old unused default controller binds Allow changing audio output device in tools Save key binds
2 Years Ago
▌▊▋▉▋▄ ▆█ █▆▍ ▄▅▍▇ ▋▅▊▇▋ ▋█▅ ▅▆▆▊▉▅▇▅/▌▊▆▋▌▊█▍ ▉▋▌█▊▍▆ ▋▊▊ ▅▆▉▉, ▊▌▇▉▊▆██ ▊▇▄ ▅▅▇▍▅█▅▊
2 Years Ago
Added Hole 6
2 Years Ago
FPArms: updates to skinning (wrist/thumb) and skeleton (thumb)
2 Years Ago
Added out bounds volumes
2 Years Ago
▋▉▄▊▍ ▊██▍▋▍▍ ▇▌▉▆█▆▆▆ ▆▉ █▋▌▊_▅▄▄▅▊▋▄
2 Years Ago
Added back removed tileset Fixed missing models on minigolf park
2 Years Ago
Audio Device Selector (#151) * Added audio device selector to then settings menu
2 Years Ago
A few AI data tweaks for the new portacabin building. S2P.
2 Years Ago
Fixed hobo barrel pickup kick
2 Years Ago
merge from arctichazmat
2 Years Ago
Add more movement types to DoorHelper visualizer, and use that for ent_platform Update base.fgd Minor fixes to ent_platform Fixed a typo in LogicEntity description
2 Years Ago
▅█▅▅▋█ ▆▍▄▅▌.█▉▆▊▍█
2 Years Ago
Start thinking about new addon system downloads
2 Years Ago
▄▌▋▋▌▋/▇▍▌ █▇▌▆▅▆▊▊▊▍▋▄▇▍ ▊▍▍█ █▉▍▇██▍▆ ▆▌▊▊▆▌▆▄ ▅▄▌▇ ███▋▊ ▄▄▆▋▍▄▋ ▍▆▍ █▍▅▍█▆▍▍ ▋▄ ▍▋ ▍▋▆▋ ▉▅▉
2 Years Ago
Added foam pits to current holes
2 Years Ago
Arctic hazmat suit protection - slightly more cold protection .item setup icon manifest
2 Years Ago
Created an additional prefab for arctic_portacabin_building_900_1200 with a different interior layout to add variety and added it to the scene
2 Years Ago
▍▊▍▌▄▆▉ ▍▇▍█ ▋█▄█▅▍▅▌▅ █▇▆▆▊▇ ▄▄█▊▌ ▇▌▌▌▄▉▌▄ ▍▋▅ ▋▋▍▇ ▍█▄▍▆▌▅▆ █▊█ ▊▆▋▆▉▉ ▊▅▄▌▊▆ ▇▉▄▅▍ █▇▉ ▉▆▆▇▉▍ ▉█▍▆▊ ▇▅▊▌▊▆ '▊▅▉▅▊▍' █▇ ▅▊▇▅▋▅▋▄▄▍▇▍▇▊▊▄▅ ▅▌▆ ▆▄▋▋█▌▆▆ ▋█▌▇▌▄█▆▆ ▆▆▄ ▌▇▅▊▉▊▍ ▄▉▉▍ █▄▅▄▅ ▍▊▋▌ ▍█▆ ▊▄ ▄▅▇▆▇ ▌▍▌▌▇▍ ▍▄▆▌▍ ▆▋▆▉█▆ ▊▍▇▆▉ ▉▇▄▇▄█▉ ██▉▌▆▋ ▍▉▆▋▅▅ ▍▇▌▍ ▋▋▄ ▅▊ ▋██▍ ▄▆▇▉▋ ▄ ▌▉█▋▇ ▇█▉█▉▌ !▄▌▌▅▇ ▅▋-█▇▊▍▇▍ ▊▄▅▌▅▉▊▄█ ▋▆▊▉▊█ ▉▆▅▉▉▌▋▉▊ ▋▋▄▊▄█ "▇▌-▅▉▄▇▆▉ ▇▍▍▋▉▅▉▉▌ ▉▆▍▄██ ▋▄▌█▉▅█▉▍" ▄▄█▇ █▄▉▅▇▋▌ ▊▊▄▆█▄ ▆▍██▅▇▌█▇█▆▍▊█▍█▍▋█▊▅▄▋▄▅▊▇▊▋▅▍▊▄█▌▉▄▉▍▋. ▉▍▅▉▇▆▊▇▌▆ ▋▇ ▋▋▌▅▅ █▆█ ▄▆▋▆█▉ ▌▅▉█▇▇▌▋▅ ▆▍▆▊▌▍▄▌ ▉▇ ▊▌▆▉ !▊▇▉▆█ !▊▇▅▌▅ ▋▇█▋█▌█ ▉▄▊▊▆▍▋█▉▄█ !▅▍▌▊▊ ▉▌▄ ▋▄▇▄ ▌▄▄▅▌▉ ▉▆█▊ ▌▄▌▊▍█ █▌ ▌▍▊▌▄▍▆ ▅▊▌▌▇▄█▅ ▄▋▉ ▅▌▍▌ ▍▋▄ █▄▌▌ ▄▊█▉▍ ▅█▇ ▍▄▅▌ ▋▌▊ █▄-▊█ ▌▌▌▇▇▊▌ ▄▍ ▍▌▉▍█▇ ▊▆█▋ ▅▆▊▊▌ ▉▄▍▅ ▍▇▇▍▌▉ ▍▄▅▆ ▅▌▄▅ ▉█ ▅▉▆▇█ ▆▇▍▆ ▉▆▅▅ ▍▌▆ ▋▋▄▉ ▉▌▊▇ ▉▇█▄▇▌▄▅ ▅▆▋▄ ▌▊▋ ▋▄▇▋▇▇▋▌▆▇▌ ▅▇▄▍ ▌▆▌▌▌▅ ▋▆▊▇█ ▄▄▍▆ ▌█▄▍▆ ▉▆▅▇▄▋█ ▆▋█▋▊▄▅▇▉▅▍▋▊▄▋▋▇▌▆ ▋▍ ▍█▇ ▄█▌▇▊ ▄█▌▅ ▊█▉▅▊▋▄ ▌▉ ▋▊▉ ▇▇▆▌▉▌█ ▋▍▉▇▆ ▅▊▆▆ ▋▋█▋ ▅▉▍▉▆▉ ▊▅▆▍▇ ▅▋▌▋▄▉▉▅ ▆▄▄▅▅▅▆▄▄ ▉▌▄▌ ▇▍▇▋▇▋ !▉▍▅▇█ ▄▅▅▉▆ ▌▆▊▆▊▅ '▊▄█▌▇▄' ▉▊▊█ ▌▉▌▌▉▍▊
2 Years Ago
█▇▆▊▊▇▅█ ▆▉▊▍▋▉▋▉ ▉▉ ▌▋▇▄ ▄▍▉▊▅▇▅▌
2 Years Ago
▍▅▉█▅ █▊▍▄▆
2 Years Ago
Removed unused content Merge branch 'main' of minigolf_funland
2 Years Ago
Moved Funland files to minigolf_funland/
2 Years Ago
merge from arctic_bases
2 Years Ago
Create README.md
2 Years Ago
int commit
2 Years Ago
Remove old FGD, update .addon
2 Years Ago
Added FileSystem.Mounted as the first param of Texture.Load calls
2 Years Ago
Update all Texture.Load calls to pass FileSystem.Mounted as the first param
2 Years Ago
Remove old FGDs
2 Years Ago
Various fixes to RTS to get it to a runnable state
2 Years Ago
Hammer: Force uniform scale gizmo, this time only for non prop_static models Fixed documentation comment for StandardPostProcess.Falloff ent_path_platform - WarpToPoint also sets angles and fires OnPassed output on nodes KeyframeEntity: Handle negative Time.Now intervals
2 Years Ago
Created static heater prefabs Added heaters to arctic base
2 Years Ago
Fixed possible exception when baking !force
2 Years Ago
Fixed cliff shader shore wetness
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
▉█▇▄▍▉▉ ▍▅▇▅ ▋▄▋▌▍█▍ █▆▄ ▍▅▍ ▌▋▉ ▌█▅▅
2 Years Ago
Change Title File upload tweak, bugger buffer, timeout
2 Years Ago
include .mat because it didn't get included for some reason
2 Years Ago
new icicle meshes 12 prefab variants lods textures and materials
2 Years Ago
Fixed wiggle effect ordering under water