248,581 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
improved stairs collider on the entrance
4 Years Ago
Rust structure models Fixed ModelDoc crashes (caused by having . in lod/mesh names) Prop scale fixes Chainfence tweak Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
ListPanel autoscroll will stop if it loses focus or the button is no longer held
4 Years Ago
Add CModelMesh::HasFacesInFaceGroup, should be quicker than FindFacesInFaceGroup
4 Years Ago
merge in
4 Years Ago
code cleanup
4 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Material group shouldn't show materials that aren't used (ie, aren't on a mesh)
4 Years Ago
Implemented a basic "Hold key to continue scrolling" feature to all ListPanel vgui elements, such as old server browser and Hammer's Model Browser model list
4 Years Ago
Added office and break room signs Added them to the train stops Sign texture tweaks
4 Years Ago
Train tunnel entrances no longer spawn on roads that start or end at mining quarries, water wells or swaps
4 Years Ago
Barricade train tunnel cells no longer spawn right next to each other
4 Years Ago
merge in
4 Years Ago
Made tunnel dweller AI not suck
4 Years Ago
Stag - idle & walk updates, prefab update & anim controller walk speed changed
4 Years Ago
Fixed negative scale values on lights
4 Years Ago
Apply the volume_sfx to only DSPs 35-38 which are the ear ringing sounds that do not otherwise get scaled
4 Years Ago
Tunnel stop sign tweaks
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
merge from Workcart
4 Years Ago
Set dressing stairwells
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Fixed deleting npc_manhack's sprites causing a crash when the deleted sprites are accessed by the NPC code
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Art source backup
4 Years Ago
merge in
4 Years Ago
Added backlit signs to stops Tweaked sign materials
4 Years Ago
Saving tool presets now only occurs for the changed preset group, not all of the preset groups Fixed a compile warning
4 Years Ago
Try to send entity RPCs only to players that have the entity in their PVS
4 Years Ago
Fix baked diffuse lights not appaering
4 Years Ago
Disabled long flares on all corridor/stairwell lights Reduced LOD distance on fill lights
4 Years Ago
Dressing/Cover pass on the tunnel entrance scene
4 Years Ago
Ensure train tunnels leave some distance between themselves and the terrain surface (so underwater rocks that reach into the terrain don't reach into the tunnels)
4 Years Ago
Merge from main/Workcart
4 Years Ago
Added TerrainFilter to Compound monument to ensure it no longer spawns in Arctic / Snow
4 Years Ago
Fix cascade shadows dissapearing with low FoV
4 Years Ago
Train tunnel corridors are OnlyVisibleUnderground
4 Years Ago
DistanceFlareLOD and CoverageQueryFlare now also check LODEnvironmentMode (always invisible when underground, unless player is also underground)
4 Years Ago
removed radiation from road side substations
4 Years Ago
Replaced tunnel entrance terrain anchors with terrain checks so they preserve the altitude of the road they spawn on instead of snapping to the terrain
4 Years Ago
halved culling distance on corridors/stairwells modules
4 Years Ago
merge from slots
4 Years Ago
Added black/white variants of the backlit signs Tweaked text size/position on monument name signs Various other sign tweaks
4 Years Ago
Move SkyAtmosphere to it's own classlibrary
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Revert previous changeset due to bug
4 Years Ago
Fixed the bug where switching track selection input right after going through a junction let you "change you mind" and snapped the train to the other option
4 Years Ago
Further tweaks to terrain blend map - trying to minimize impact on surrounding features