256,234 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

6 Years Ago
Adding new TOS pages BUILD BUILD
6 Years Ago
Use 6.9.1 packages
6 Years Ago
Fixed profiler mismatches in BaseRidableAnimal.ObstacleDistanceCheck
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Fixed missing texture on "Playings In Game" page in game options page.
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Better LODManager error when trying to remove component that has not been added
6 Years Ago
Fixed conversion issue with literals read from json
6 Years Ago
Update CurrentVersion
6 Years Ago
Sky shader fix
6 Years Ago
Removed Dynamic flag on wires, wires now spawn in correct transform position/rotation and can be treated as static for lod purposes
6 Years Ago
2019.2 compile, package fixes
6 Years Ago
[D11][UI] Changes to itemsubmitpanel
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Leaderbaords now checks for online availability and moves back to main menu if disconnected.
6 Years Ago
Fixes XBox chat dashboard volume mixer
6 Years Ago
Fixes XBox chat dashboard volume mixer
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
CoreLayerData docgen Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Fixed docgen typo
6 Years Ago
Client def'd some stuff. Grab the full list of resolutions.
6 Years Ago
[D11][DTLS] Outgoing message buffer throttling. Attempt to fix overwhelming the client during the QA base teleport.
6 Years Ago
Initial commit
6 Years Ago
[D11][UI][#2649] Disable corner icon when item in null
6 Years Ago
▍▄▍ ▌▅▅▇▄▄▊▅▍▅ ▊▆█▋▇▌▍ (▄▉▇▍ ▋▄▍▋▆▄▊ ▋▆ ▆█▋▄)
6 Years Ago
Removed damage values from building hammer
6 Years Ago
[D11][#2273] Implemented ps+ checks and notify plus feature plus method
6 Years Ago
Dirty/clean for apply button. Toggle button interaction.
6 Years Ago
[D11] namespace change to disambiguate the Rust.Editor namespace from the Rust.Editor static class, code inside the editor assembly which is unique to D11 branches with local server enabled, was failing to compile.
6 Years Ago
Cargoship exploit fix
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Further tweaks to address the fps drop issues.
6 Years Ago
some cleanup
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
rewind accidental merge
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] HUD Vital Var adjustment visual changes - No longer florescent green coloured.
6 Years Ago
Deployed cc45f90f with MkDocs version: 1.0.4
6 Years Ago
WIP marker display on compass
6 Years Ago
Show team leader markers
6 Years Ago
Save and load markers
6 Years Ago
Store notes on server
6 Years Ago
Properly solved mounting seats via sub-module; no more InteractionAreaBox hack
6 Years Ago
More map co-ordinate tweaks (still pretty busted) Store death position
6 Years Ago
Refactored and removed more duplicate code from across all TweakUI components
6 Years Ago
Started removing some duplicate code across all the TweakUI components. Added spacer between screen settings and apply button. Dropdown and toggle tweak UI components now support immediate change or apply changes. Screen settings apply button now works. Non applied changes are reset.
6 Years Ago
transport heli fuel gauges fixes transport heli uses 2x as much fuel transport heli server gibs give much less resources and only metal frags reduced horse health
6 Years Ago
horses are now much more responsive and frame budgeted
6 Years Ago
horse leading
6 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
6 Years Ago
Adjust brackets only
6 Years Ago
Check wheelSmoke for null - Update is called a few times before init methods are
6 Years Ago
Test map update
6 Years Ago
Server compile fix
6 Years Ago
Scrap transport heli sounds