223,514 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

6 Years Ago
More UI bits
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
Increased Junkpile spawns along roads (Hapis)
6 Years Ago
Fixed building panel category toggles being invisible
6 Years Ago
Cleaning up some UI stuff, fixed issues with building panel showing new unlock icon when it shouldnt
6 Years Ago
Fixed shader compile error on metal (if vs. ifdef) in StandardLayers.cginc
6 Years Ago
Don't exclude metal from shaders (if used)
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Analytics now tracks total memory usage rather than only managed memory
6 Years Ago
Added memory getter override hooks to Facepunch.Performance
6 Years Ago
Allow passing in section to feedback open Feedback updates Merge branch 'master' of Facepunch.Unity
6 Years Ago
Add static mesh socket bindings. Import model sockets from mdl
6 Years Ago
Fire welder on server instead of client
6 Years Ago
Fix pivot transform replication
6 Years Ago
Add entity interpolation toggle command
6 Years Ago
Remove pivot component bullshit and instead give entities 2 transforms that are multiplied and set internally. Change Transform from class to struct.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
opportunity bits
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
progress backup
6 Years Ago
Latest Data
6 Years Ago
Latest Latest Jobs
6 Years Ago
Latest Data Latest Api DAta
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
fixing what's new panel adding navbar script for editors replacing exit button
6 Years Ago
No need for that WORKSPACE
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fixed rebinding arrow keys causing options menu navigation
6 Years Ago
Cores animate more when focussed Options menu is no longer auto-focussed when navigated to Added close prompt in options menu
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
can no longer set current building when encumbered
6 Years Ago
escape or right mouse button now close cancellable modal windows. added CareerDefines.ValuePerMark, added it to unit value calc.
6 Years Ago
placeholder unit detail view modal UI
6 Years Ago
Added Raknet for Switch Port of Raknet to work with native sockets on Switch. Added a small testbed project which shows comms between two Switch dev units.
6 Years Ago
let's not lock woodcutter and stonecutter
6 Years Ago
NRE fix
6 Years Ago
career modal UI screens can now be set as cancellable or not
6 Years Ago
more career modal UI stack shit added buttons to market/team view unit panels added unit clicked career UI event clicking a unit in roster or market pushes a modal panel for detailed unit view, clicking off removes it
6 Years Ago
Improved Building AI to attempt to eliminate some situations in which people get stuck building. InteractionPosition now just keeps a list of all blockers instead of doing the box check.
6 Years Ago
Water level, buoyancy fix
6 Years Ago
Fixed player collision with triggers Version++ Ragdizzle
6 Years Ago
Planet UI border highlights when focussed Now using glow scale for planet UI highlight on focus Other planets / links darken when selecting a planet Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
6 Years Ago
Fixed slipping constantly Funnier walk animation when slipping
6 Years Ago
Building prefab layers update