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6 Years Ago
rebaked terrain atlas textures
6 Years Ago
Fixed ivhtexture defaulting to srgb on terrain atlas; added srgb support and rebaked Temporary fix for ivhtexture defaulting to srgb on existing packed maps Fixed normal map issues in some instances where dxt5nm unpacking is necessary
6 Years Ago
Craggy doesn't kill NPCs
6 Years Ago
searchlight no longer accessable without TC access bandages and syringes now show their information panel spelling fixes
6 Years Ago
Added Urban City Set, WIP city biome for background
6 Years Ago
Topo masks for spawning. Various world.
6 Years Ago
Rename method
6 Years Ago
Temporary crash tester
6 Years Ago
Various world stuff. Materials to BaseShield.
6 Years Ago
first pass shader updates
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
UI save
6 Years Ago
GroupProgression events
6 Years Ago
ProgressionTierDefinitionEditor TribeProgression widget basics
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Willow bush / prefab and texture tweaks
6 Years Ago
Spicebush / textures, prefabs, meshes and billboards
6 Years Ago
Switched base_anim to CBaseAnimatingOverlay
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Wrapping up some progression tier data so we can display nice things on the UI for each tier and the remaining requirements
6 Years Ago
added client.Overlay.Enabled property (tells you whether the overlay is actually available) Merge pull request #121 from MadDave666/master added client.Overlay.Enabled property (tells you whether the overlay …
6 Years Ago
Bring back references folder, add script to generate it
6 Years Ago
shield bash 3rd player animations
6 Years Ago
uv tweaks on short strands
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
NRE fix
6 Years Ago
Editor tools rabbithole Access to dev playground from island
6 Years Ago
Script auto updates (EventType uppercase / lowercase)
6 Years Ago
Package manager folder
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Simplified how we toggle UI modal state (UIscreen specifies a container canvasGroup for all widgets that are hidden by modals, which are held in an overlay canvas) Fixed Group.Leader being null (first added member is the leader by default)
6 Years Ago
World is now persistent
6 Years Ago
Quit if no Steam Playground init NetworkSyncedMove supports stops Looping platforms NetworkSyncedRotate lerp, pingpong yadda yadda
6 Years Ago
Connection token provider.
6 Years Ago
MeshGenerator can now emit triangles or quads Can enable / disable noise in mesh generation
6 Years Ago
Atmosphere cycling works with Airlock
6 Years Ago
Split ListHelper into a separate file Brush is now visible, can be resized by scrolling
6 Years Ago
Fixed some door bugs
6 Years Ago
leagues track starting week added some stuff to check if a league/all leagues have fixtures left to play more league advancement wip protobu
6 Years Ago
Got rid of unnecessary allocations during mesh updates
6 Years Ago
Remove timer for logic_timer and use async loop func instead
6 Years Ago
Buildings work
6 Years Ago
Add logic_timer. Add ambient_generic. Add support for duplicate entity keys in key values. Add FindTargetEntities. Mount hl2_sound_misc.
6 Years Ago
Added world reflection quality slider to graphics settings World reflection quality convar is now saved
6 Years Ago
fixed a career serialization order bug for week number fixtures now get deleted when they're played league advancement wip stuff
6 Years Ago
Fixed shadows on some building block reflection meshes
6 Years Ago
Player constructions have their own environment type (no longer share building type) Improved reflections inside player constructions on quality setting 1
6 Years Ago
Mesh colliders, making it easier to choose block sizes Fixed raycasting
6 Years Ago
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