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7 Years Ago
Forgot to pass starting zone through Session.StartNew in editor
7 Years Ago
most used unit award processor
7 Years Ago
Tank award processor: most damage taken by a surviving unit award processors now take a reference to the gameinstance
7 Years Ago
Fixed missing icons
7 Years Ago
Reverting MaskedIcon shader change
7 Years Ago
Wrapped some debug string construction in the proper conditions in UDM filtering to avoid GC Reduced max DM target values for most units
7 Years Ago
Testing camera UI render mode
7 Years Ago
More ordering tweaks, reduced sleep speed multiplier
7 Years Ago
UI ordering fixes
7 Years Ago
updated tips to reference middle mouse
7 Years Ago
Menu tweaks
7 Years Ago
- Testbox in build, scene select via menu - Added EyeHistogram compute shader to preloaded assets in attempt to fix Unity NRE - Added support for custom starting season - Fixed DataBrowserTab out of range (missing path in Database)
7 Years Ago
Add unit tests for the reflection blacklist
7 Years Ago
Updated models
7 Years Ago
Cleaned up ProjectController
7 Years Ago
added shop front building components created clothes shop sign and added to scene, working on burger sign corner monument
7 Years Ago
Fixed editor NRE
7 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in Agent+DM
7 Years Ago
Small delay variance when a crowd member starts jumping
7 Years Ago
Merge from module DM
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Activity severity & pause on notify support Asset validate + save
7 Years Ago
changed award appear sound
7 Years Ago
Grammar Fave Games proper
7 Years Ago
Heap based decision maker modules (among the best picking).
7 Years Ago
BehaviourChainFilter.FilterBySmartObjectViability validation
7 Years Ago
more outcome/awards sound stuff
7 Years Ago
Fixed fav games
7 Years Ago
Fixed WakeUp GoalPlan filtering an ability for SmartObject viability
7 Years Ago
Profile editing
7 Years Ago
Fixed missing GUI style for AI debugger
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Missed some stuff
7 Years Ago
WIP debug logging
7 Years Ago
outcome text move event/sound
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Deleted and reimported post processing stack, leaving in root folder to see if it helps builds because reasons
7 Years Ago
Bone manipulations on Clientside Models will work first try now
7 Years Ago
game outcome anim events/sounds wip
7 Years Ago
Properly fixed Utils.DynamicEaseTo
7 Years Ago
Remaining caves (for now)
7 Years Ago
Added content to blog entry
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory progress / added walkway ledges / split tower stairs into modular meshes
7 Years Ago
Fixed sorting with no id's datatable uses inputfield Changelist editor Fixes
7 Years Ago
(merged) and Mouse look to middle mouse, middle click to reset now based on viewport %
7 Years Ago
Fixed Utils.DynamicEaseTo
7 Years Ago
Merged from main
7 Years Ago
Fixed missing options toggles
7 Years Ago
Added rooftop generation Wall section prefabs
7 Years Ago
WIP tribe creation and game setup revamp (added scenario and island choices to start new game screen on main menu)