243,708 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.61cph!
Added `Animation.IsPlaying` to compliment `Animation.IsPaused`.
Fixed entity protobuf property order.
Fixed building block darken health effect
Stability perf tweaks
Animal species population now managed using prefab count parameter.
removed erroneous materials folder in meshes folder
Stability support eventually fail gracefully if no ground route found
Added knockback to anim controller, added a camera reset to anim viewer, elvis gets a rigid body and collider
Extra dedicated server stats
added 5 minecarts to splinepath 1
set path deform to unity, instead of mega
added splines with mega path deform
Can place supports/pillars on foundation/floor triangle
Can attach floor triangles to each other (like normal floors)
removed old test track, added rail tracks 1 and 2 with splines inside for each, added minecart_yellow 1-5 variations to sit on splines.
Re-exported backhand body shot without motion bone translation
Fixed some missing shaders on player camera prefab
Fixed some issues with UnitView's prefab setup helper
Fixed anim controller issue with human female unit view prefab
Moved some scripts
GroupsManager now properly initaliasing units, delegate fixed with PlayerUnitControls (a little dirty for now)
Added PlayerUnitControls component
Cleaning up and optimizing stability system
Loading a save pre-warms the stability system
Added DebugServer/DebugClient callbacks if entity is in debug mode
OnFlagsChanged gets called when entity flags change