
96,820 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.10cph!

5 Years Ago
oilrig progress backup
5 Years Ago
Fixed GroundWatch on entities that are parented
5 Years Ago
[D11] Updated debug god mode button to send changes to server, OSK will update console command display on debug UI page
5 Years Ago
Compile fix
5 Years Ago
[D11][TUTORIAL] Temp fix for AudioSettings.Reset causing crash on config load
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Added tooltips container so we have an isolated area to spawn tooltips. Adjusted tooltip visuals to and changeover to TextMeshPro. Fixed MenuAnimationHandler throwing warnings when attempting to set trigger on inactive or disabled animator.
5 Years Ago
[D11] Removed legacy autosprint code, disabled sprint on looting, prevent console writing cfg file (temp)
5 Years Ago
[D11] Added a method for retrieving a list of store items, tested with a "Skins" store.
5 Years Ago
Storage boxes drop their items at the last position they took damage at
5 Years Ago
[D11] Add a Request to Get a List of Catalogue Items.
5 Years Ago
Don't do server side bone attachment stuff with "closest" bone
5 Years Ago
[D11] Refactor of Platform Services to return PlatformApiRequest's
5 Years Ago
Test commit
5 Years Ago
Test commit
5 Years Ago
▍▄█▉█ ▍▆▆▇▍▆ ▌▌▉▅▄▆ ▌▍▌▄ ▉▆▄▋█▍ ▅▇█▌▄▍▊▅ ▍▌ ▌▍▅█ (▉▊▋▋▋ █▇▌█▊█▄▉ ▌█▌▇▋▍▍▄▍▌ ▄▆▍▆ █▆▅▇▌▌▇█▌█▇ ▄▄▉▆ ▍▋▇)
5 Years Ago
▄▊▌▍▇ ▊▅▆▉▊▋ █▆▊▉▆▄ ▄▄▊▆ ▄▉▋▍▋▊ █▌▄▉▉▋▊▌ ▄█ ▆▆▆▄ (▅▌▄▌▉ ▄█▄▊▍▇█▄ ▆▍▅▄▍▊▄▋▇█ ▄▅▋▊ ▋▉▋▌▋▋▉▅▆▉▍ █▊▆▇ ▆▅▆)
5 Years Ago
▉▍▉▅▋ ▉▊▋▊▄█ ▆▍▅▆▍▉ ▊▄▄█ ▆▋▅▄▇▉ ▄▅▌▍▌▅▊▅ ▄▇ ▍█▌▋ (██▅▇█ ██▅▌▄▌▆▆ █▆▆█▄█▄▉▉▌ ▄▊▄▆ ▍▆▉▊▆▆▆▍▌▉▋ ▊▍▄▌ ▇▌▅)
5 Years Ago
▄▆▆▇▆ █▄▆▌▇▅ ▍▊▊▍▉▍ ▆▄▇▉ ▉▌█▅▍▇ ▊█▊▇▄▉▋▉ ▄▅ ▉▊█▉ (▊▍▆▌▆ ▋█▆▍▅▆▍█ ▊▉▇▋▅▆▄█▌▅ ▄▄█▍ ▅▌▇▇▊▊▌▌▉▊▊ ▌▆▍▇ ▉▉▄)
5 Years Ago
▍▍▊▊▉ ██▆▌█▆ ▋▅█▇▉▉ ▇▌▆█ ▉▉▊▇▌█ ▊▆▆▇▍▇▉▋ ▋▉ ▅▆▌█ (█▇▇▊▆ ▄▇▉▌▆▊▅▋ ▄▇▇▍▆▋▍▋▄▉ ▄▇█▊ ▋▊▄█▄▍▌▄▅▅▄ ▅▌▅▅ ▇▄▊)
5 Years Ago
▉▇▅▋▌ ▋▋▋█▆▍ ▊▉▄▌▊▊ █▄▆▅ ▋▇█▌▄▋ ▋▊▆▅▇▇▊█ ▍▊ ▉▅▋▆ (▌▆▌▇▊ ▋▇▍▉▋▍▋▌ ▄▋▄▋▌▋▄▍▅▅ ▄▊▇▍ ▊▍▍▅▇▆▍▆▉█▅ ▆▇█▋ ▄█▆)
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Fixed Controller Icons class to now be a singleton object in the scene rather than a static class. Added in the build pipeline checks and Unity Editor defines.
5 Years Ago
▌▋▌▌▋ ▍▊▆▇▍▇▊ ▇█▉▄▌ ▌▋▋▍▉▌▇ ▄▆▄▆▅▄▌ ▍▋█▇▉ ▆█▉▉ (▇▇▅▌▉▋▊ ▆▅▇▋▌▆▍▆▆ ▌▉▌▉▌█ ▅▇▄█▍▍▄▍▌█ ▆▅▇▉ █▍▋▆▉ ▌▄▋▆▄▋)
5 Years Ago
▆█▅▉▇ ▄▆▋▆▉ ▊▌ ▋▌▌██▆▋▇ ▌▇▊▍▍▊ ▅▉▌ ▆▉▊▇▇▍ ▉▇▋█▄▉ ▄▉▋▄▌▇▆▄ ▆▊██ ▋▄▍▋▆▊▋
5 Years Ago
[D11] forgot this with 30544
5 Years Ago
Fixed the LOD bugs. Cleaned out clutter.
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Navigation Bars now use in-line sprites instead of separate icon images. Text sizes are now consistent assuming the lengths do not get too long, may need reviewing later. Moved certain non-specific logic to navigation bars out into a static class since Navigation Bar class no longer uses it (didn't make sense to keep it there). Added Auto-sprint stance icon to in-game HUD. Fixed some typos in certain classes.
5 Years Ago
merge into main
5 Years Ago
merge from main
5 Years Ago
door controller pairing
5 Years Ago
▍▋▆'█ ▇▋▅▇▆ ▋█▌▄▍▍▌▇▌▄▆ █▋ ▆▆ ▍▇█▍▍▇▋▉ ▄▋ ▊▍▅▄█▄▌ ▌▌▅▄▍▄▉▊ ▆▍▍█▆ ▉▆█ ▍▉▍▇▅█▍▍▌▋▇▇ (▍▋▆▇▍▇ ▉▍▅▆ ▍▇▌▇▊█▋▅▋▅█▉▅▉)
5 Years Ago
Included cargo ship in the ladder "ground watch" tests (fixes destroyed ladder also destroying ladders around it)
5 Years Ago
Can place ladders anywhere on the cargo ship
5 Years Ago
[D11][TUTORIAL][MERGE] Updating branch
5 Years Ago
[D11][TUTORIAL] Player no longer in sleep state when entering tutorial
5 Years Ago
merge from main
5 Years Ago
Can attach ladders to the side of the cargo ship Network++
5 Years Ago
oilrig progress backup
5 Years Ago
[D11] Sleeping bed distance, explosive distance and temperature hooked up for imperial units
5 Years Ago
Temp workaround for nude scientists when changing censorship setting
5 Years Ago
Fixed broken LODs on female pants
5 Years Ago
Remove pubic hair with underwear censorship enabled
5 Years Ago
Fixed texture errors caused by incorrect UV2 channel on underwear mesh
5 Years Ago
Fixed female corpses missing bra with underwear censorship enabled
5 Years Ago
Fixed ore spawn issues on custom maps with certain biome distributions
5 Years Ago
merge from main
5 Years Ago
Skin bundle update
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Users now receive a popup notification when disconnecting from a server with the reason why they were disconnected. Title Screen "WaitForInput" now waits until the popup system instance has been initialised. Removed some duplicate entries in translations file and added new ones for warnings/errors.
5 Years Ago
[D11] rebuilt manifest with missing testseat prefab put back in.
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Define fix.
5 Years Ago
When NPCs move to maintain cover, ensure they are allowed to fire at will. Junkpile NPCs will prefer to hug cover rather than chase players over open terrain.