
97,027 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Moving more stuff to textures.split.split.bundle (test)
9 Months Ago
Inner/outer consistency stuff Initial extra bloom
9 Months Ago
merge from main
9 Months Ago
merge from WorldModels
9 Months Ago
HE lingering smoke
9 Months Ago
merge from main
9 Months Ago
merge from industrial_grade_upgrade
9 Months Ago
merge from /main/nuclear_missile_silo/flyby
9 Months Ago
merge from weapon_racks
9 Months Ago
protobuf gen
9 Months Ago
merge from main
9 Months Ago
Fix ground check for weapon stand
9 Months Ago
Fix incorrect corner display of weapon placement ghost when not hovering a valid placement location.
9 Months Ago
merge from main
9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
merge from community_ui_scaling_fix
9 Months Ago
Expose beltScrollSpeedMultiplier on mining quarry
9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
Fixed emoji rendering in read only input fields Added emoji support for the clan announcement and member details text fields (no autocomplete or galleries but the raw text input is supported)
9 Months Ago
Add `force_lod_level` convar to force the culling system to only accept certain LOD levels (and bypass culling for them) to narrow down why certain LODs are disappearing "randomly" Store LOD level of each mesh in `InstanceLODState` Still debugging mesh culling randomly breaking
9 Months Ago
Merge from main
9 Months Ago
Merge from hackweek-chat-emoji
9 Months Ago
Added detailed colliders so that parachutes can be shot at
9 Months Ago
Show parachute health on HUD Client compile fix
9 Months Ago
Move the first person camera closer to the actual model head bone position while freefalling with a parachute, fixes distorted legs view
9 Months Ago
If a player is dismounted from the parachute due to a collision in the first 1.5s of the deploy they will be hurt with fall damage (up to 80 damage)
9 Months Ago
Added extra collider to tugboat roof to prevent clipping through during sinking
9 Months Ago
Better animation transition if the player cuts their parachute while the deploy is in process Parachute.bypassRepack convar bypasses the pickup duration Added drag to the unpacked parachute so it falls a bit nicer Fixed condition not getting applied properly
9 Months Ago
Scroll _DetailBlendMaskMapScroll and _DetailAlbedoMapScroll on belt
9 Months Ago
Secondaries for 25mm impact.
9 Months Ago
Compile fix
9 Months Ago
Merge from global_networked_bases -> aux2
9 Months Ago
Region out client analytics variables that are "assigned but never used" when compiling client
9 Months Ago
Move shadows to their own grids Distance cull both meshes & shadows Only frustum cull meshes
9 Months Ago
Merge from global_networked_bases -> aux2
9 Months Ago
Fix `test_instancing_culling` spawning prefabs outside of the map and overloading the "out of map" grid Fix "outside of map" grid not having a gridId set and looking like grid #0 Refactor RendererJobData to store ShadowMode instead of "IsOnlyShadow" Refactor culling system to completely ignore shadows
9 Months Ago
Change InstancedScheduler script update order to near the end Count number of meshes & shadows separately Add number of rendered meshes, shadows & draw calls for instancing to `perf 8` Add average number of meshes & shadows drawn to client performance analytics Add `print_instanced_grid {id}` and `print_instanced_grids` to print meshes per grid for debugging
9 Months Ago
Added LODs, colliders, and prefab setup to the screwdrivers
9 Months Ago
Add menu option for instanced rendering called "Building Distance" (it also handles cliffs but yea) Clamp instanced rendering distance from 500 - 2500 Take lower of draw distance vs instanced render distance when culling Run codegen to apply convar descriptions
9 Months Ago
Add description to all convars
9 Months Ago
Merge from global_networked_bases -> aux2
9 Months Ago
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9 Months Ago
Add clientside performance analytics for instanced rendering - culling time - draw calls - render distance - size of compute buffers & arrays - mesh count - prefab count - entity count
9 Months Ago
Merge bbq loot panel prefab fix from main 84947 -> aux1
9 Months Ago
Fix armored double door & triangle ladder hatch prefabs getting "deleted" during a merge from attack heli and then throwing error when you try to respawn
9 Months Ago
Shockwave improvements
9 Months Ago
merge from weapon_racks
9 Months Ago
merge from weapon_racks/missing_items