
97,452 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

6 Years Ago
Dispose ambience culling group in OnApplicationQuit
6 Years Ago
water_well_e - polish pass
6 Years Ago
▍▋▇█ ▄▅▍▍▊▉
6 Years Ago
█▄▄▊█ ▍██▋ ▌▌▌▅▌▊▆▇▆
6 Years Ago
updated special fx for a bunch of weapons
6 Years Ago
compile fix
6 Years Ago
added tree minigame help added ore minigame help planters now show hydration level via darker soil (once again)
6 Years Ago
More tests for "crash on exit"
6 Years Ago
More tests for "crash on exit"
6 Years Ago
More on scientist behaviour.
6 Years Ago
More tests for "crash on exit"
6 Years Ago
Skip OnDisable / OnDestroy in a bunch of plugin components
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
skin approval
6 Years Ago
Pine trees LODs
6 Years Ago
Another attempt at fixing "crash on exit"
6 Years Ago
Skip nearly all OnDisable / OnDestroy when closing the game
6 Years Ago
Fixed memory leak in SellOrderEntry (vending machine UI)
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Subtracting 24934
6 Years Ago
Potentially fixed bandana crafting issues
6 Years Ago
water_well_e scene progress backup
6 Years Ago
Missed one
6 Years Ago
Work on scientist behaviour.
6 Years Ago
Fixed banned user check being slow with 20,000 banned users
6 Years Ago
Merge from /sqlite
6 Years Ago
Water_well_e mini scene wip
6 Years Ago
Use db for blueprints and deathlog storage
6 Years Ago
Sqlite Tests Sqlite Libraries
6 Years Ago
Test for "crash on exit"
6 Years Ago
Bare bones
6 Years Ago
Visual polish - bug fixing
6 Years Ago
Don't do anything when calling del without arguments
6 Years Ago
Testing something to fix "crash on exit"
6 Years Ago
Added simple collider to wind generator so it can be removed by admins using ent kill
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
Prefab pre processing no longer deletes parents of culled game objects (fixes open server side doors on some monuments)
6 Years Ago
More NPC work.
6 Years Ago
water_well_d scene fixes / quasi final state
6 Years Ago
Attempt at Scientist LOS fix.
6 Years Ago
Whoops, physics.minsteps fix
6 Years Ago
Better client side lower limit for physics.steps and physics.minsteps
6 Years Ago
potential fix for report cheat web browser opening when typing in chat
6 Years Ago
water_well_d scene detail pass
6 Years Ago
npc spawning tweaks.
6 Years Ago
fireball arrows slow movement
6 Years Ago
scientist loot fix
6 Years Ago
autoturret condition fix
6 Years Ago
Fixed scientist burst shooting.
6 Years Ago
building blocked zone around crash site halved autoturrets lose health when picked up