116,225 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
[D11] Fixes syncOnPosition cache problem.
midnight hour build backup
[D11] Checking in WIP ... alters the network format so that position messages are compressed as ProtoBuf messages, allowing us to send a byte with flags set for delayable & syncPosition. We no longer need to send the entityID as we can now partially read the entity message to see the entityId, groupId & prefabId ... Not caching entities with syncPosition set causes things to freak out... checking in now so I can rewind if needed.
project_gaea latest
Terrain 6k, improved features/features scale across the board
[D11] Fix branch parsing in TC buildinfo script
cowbell uses C instead of A
piano sounds
trumpet sounds
tuba sounds
misc instrument polish & tuning
Fixed BatteryCellTier1 gibs error
fixed medium battery energy density
generator now cost 125 scrap instead of 175
solar panel available at compound for 75 scrap
medium battery added, available at bandit for 75 srap
KDTree fixes, Conversion tool fixes, batcher work...
[D11] Updated assets in Content\Props with new LOD group components
[D11] [UI] Removed old test textures for community hub from Resources folder.
branch consumes branch out power, no longer adds children of branch out socket to drain calculation
[D11] [UI] Fixed define issue.
[D11] yet further \Assets\Prefabs\Deployable LODs
Move everything into its own namespace (and better folder name)
[D11] [UI] Adjusted loading screen delay when respawning.
[D11] Server startup warning fixes
[D11][#2912] fix for sfx invalid seek error
Fix compile error in client builds
Switch to custom domain
Document some functions and classes
Switch lastCleanup to RealTimeSince
Move some classes to their own files
Tidied up the KDTree classes
[D11] Switching to broken items no longer plays equip animation.
[D11] Set up LODs on some assets in Content\Props that were incorrectly set up
[D11] some more Assets\Prefabs\Deployable LODs
[D11] updated foliage billboard shader
[D11] workaround for transparent rocks - disable an optimization in the HDRP package whilst the investigation continues on the support ticket.
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Tweaked default tree marker size range
Generated oak tree marker data
Generated beech tree marker data
Added some slight randomness when clamping to a marker position, reduces chance of positions getting repeated
Code review: Removed VehicleModuleManager and folded it entirely into BaseModuleVehicle.
Converted BaseNetworkable child events to virtual methods.
Hacky fix for mountable instruments not knowing what player is mounted to them when a demo starts and the player is already mounted to them (should work retroactively)
Fixed sharp notes not being stopped properly on remote clients