223,521 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

3 Years Ago
Splitting up the wounded states into separate methods
3 Years Ago
Allow for forced death after wounded timeout
3 Years Ago
Continuing setup for the two levels of wounding, crawling and incapacitated
3 Years Ago
misc balance Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
3 Years Ago
A couple more workshop script compilation fixes Legacy workshop stage scripts should now bake
3 Years Ago
Merge Main->NewWounding
3 Years Ago
Update README.md Fixed line 7 "to attach" repeating twice. Merge pull request #1 from Coocla33/patch-1 Update README.md
3 Years Ago
Hotload: Failing test for Facepunch/sbox-issues#345 Hotload: Fixed redundant GC.SuppressFinalize calls Hotload: Better handling for multicast delegates
3 Years Ago
Update Unity client to confirm things still work
3 Years Ago
Fix one of the CSceneObject::SetTransform functions stripping off scale
3 Years Ago
Try moving wood flecks texture to core
3 Years Ago
Recompile impact.wood.fibers to see if that fixes it
3 Years Ago
Mark more stuff as NetSerialized Kill JSON Swap out the TCP server for a WebSocket server
3 Years Ago
Add simple vertex color shader
3 Years Ago
Support serializing byte[], ImmutableList, and ImmutableDictionary Some bug fixes
3 Years Ago
Codegen loads the project with MSBuild so it has proper type info Add support for List<T> serialization
3 Years Ago
Fixed overridden properties having wrong type while baking Fixed possible exception when opening workshop management menu Make sure generated code is C# 7.0 compatible Fixed C# generated for workshop levels missing methods
3 Years Ago
█▅▇██_▆▆▇ !▇▇▄
3 Years Ago
▍▌▊▆▍▇▋ ▌▆ ▍▇▄▆▋▌ ▉▄▋▋▋▇▊▆ █▉▅█▊ ▉▉▆▆▌▋ ▉█▉▄▅▊▅ ▆▄█▆▋▋▆▌▊▅▍ ▌▇▌▆▉ ▆▊▌▌▄▆-▋▋▄▅█▅▇▄ ▍▉▅▊▄▊ '▌▅▋▇▅▌/▍▇▆█▉▌' !▇▍▇▇▇-▋▄▄ !▇▊▆
3 Years Ago
Refactor to support deserialize instantiating using a constructor Support Nullable<T>
3 Years Ago
build !redux-all !ecs
3 Years Ago
build !redux_all !ecs
3 Years Ago
Remove unused log
3 Years Ago
Ragdoll force on physics impact damage
3 Years Ago
Add WithPosition and WithForce to DamageInfo Set damage force on physics impacts so ragdolls can use it
3 Years Ago
fix replaytests
3 Years Ago
player bullet repel tweaks increment progression Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity spawn blink for nightmare xulgon pattern
3 Years Ago
Flashlight attack sound
3 Years Ago
Flashlight attack sound
3 Years Ago
Flashlight can be used as melee weapon with secondary attack
3 Years Ago
Update flashlight animgraph Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
updating WIP construct, split prefab, adding mats Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Scss support for @import Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Refactoring a ton of stuff to work with s&box * Got rid of unsafe code in compression utils * Replaced Guid use with a custom Uuid class because using Guids required Unsafe * WIP refactoring network serialization to use a codegen'd binary serializer instead of JSON because System.Text.Json can't do inheritance
3 Years Ago
AnimGraph: Start renaming newly added params/motors/tags when added
3 Years Ago
Populate campaign menu synchronously, but generate stage icons async CampaignData changes to support categories
3 Years Ago
Added a fog_bounds entity that can be placed as a brush in the map to define the FoW bounds
3 Years Ago
Bypass tunnel source
3 Years Ago
Art drop
3 Years Ago
Add ModelBuilder API Setting mesh buffers also sets the ranges to max element count
3 Years Ago
Variable parsing Stylesheets can use variables Throw if stylesheet tries to use variable but no variables Stylesheets can inherit variables from previously loaded stylesheets
3 Years Ago
Renamed b_hit to hit Lerp the duck
3 Years Ago
Procedural hit reactions node changes
3 Years Ago
Animgraph updates Duck being an analog/float input is now properly handled, your equipped weapon has no more weird offsets from where you're actually aiming, and weapon gestures can disable aim chains as well as IK (though somewhat inelegantly for now)
3 Years Ago
Can now pass a BulletQueryData to AffectTouchingBullets
3 Years Ago
Changed BulletPattern.IntVar type Log an error if an ECS ParentBullet of a pattern is accessed in scripts Turn Bumper update into a job, boilerplate for similar optimisations
3 Years Ago
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