224,946 Commits over 3,714 Days - 2.52cph!

6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Raised random tint color2 on pine mat
6 Years Ago
Effect procs for NPC attacks are now an array of Effect/Chance rather than just a single effect
6 Years Ago
NetworkLevel work. And NPC walk zones work again.
6 Years Ago
removed capmasks from skin materials so they're all the same for the dyesets. adjusted new textures so they aren't gigantic and have decent compression, removed all old and wip textures and mats apart from styles that still depend on them currently
6 Years Ago
fix for chainsaw effects appearing active when deploying fix for left click spam of chainsaw
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
If an effect is added while the same effect is already added, the duration of the existing effect is reset rather than adding a new effect Fixed bleeding effect healing rather than hurting Fixed damage from status effects procing the status effect on hit of an NPC (should fix effect spam)
6 Years Ago
Prevent NPCs from opening doors that has locks on them.
6 Years Ago
Skip hotload on network serializers
6 Years Ago
ItemDesires created from possession now allow held which makes them actually get fulfilled. Fixed NRE on EntityView during tree felling.
6 Years Ago
Forgot these
6 Years Ago
Improved Scientist AI at junkpiles. Junkpile A and G no longer carve. Improved AI settings of M92. Scientists can now enlist to the patrol route of a location when manually spawned.
6 Years Ago
Switch HUD to use FString marshaler instead of cstring
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
added more interaction positions for building the crafting table
6 Years Ago
NPC tuning
6 Years Ago
Removed that helmet overlay code that we don't want and was erroring.
6 Years Ago
Scene lighting fix.
6 Years Ago
NPC tuning. Fixed missing sounds on Beetles.
6 Years Ago
incendiary shotgun shell fps improvement spas12 fires slightly faster
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking 25708 and 25723
6 Years Ago
aparently some stuff I didn't commit
6 Years Ago
Fixed item removal event not being called when removing from container. Fixed depositing calling remove after dropping the item and thus not properly handling item removal. Fixed IsCarryingRegisteredBuildingItem handling of contained items. Interaction module no longer counts as "Is Busy".
6 Years Ago
third person chainsaw sounds flare slightly more common in caves
6 Years Ago
Tweaked fireball stats and made the radius inline with the vfx. NPC tuning.
6 Years Ago
Don't disable billboard culling on SpeedTree billboards (only on our own imposters) Slight tweaks to tree quality behaviour
6 Years Ago
reload fixes
6 Years Ago
compile fix
6 Years Ago
set team color for the team view/detail unit
6 Years Ago
fixed uv1 issue on clothing items that have exposed skin. fixed skinning issue on wrists on collared shirt and mesh clipping on baseball cap
6 Years Ago
fixed armpit hair, material tweaks, fixed lod distances
6 Years Ago
NPC stats from the spreadsheet. LOD tweaks. Baked yet another navmesh.
6 Years Ago
Fixed radial options not being updated when selecting a different unit
6 Years Ago
update career unit detail panel
6 Years Ago
disabled career scene object
6 Years Ago
sponsor/objective UI prefabs, scripts, wip.
6 Years Ago
Testing a fix
6 Years Ago
added / tweaked 3rd person chainsaw animations
6 Years Ago
fixed detail card info not updating
6 Years Ago
Tweaked LOD distances on small trees
6 Years Ago
update unit detail card to be drag from larger area/fixed the random shuffling when cards were drag more than once at a time
6 Years Ago
chainsaw NRE fixes chainsaw uses materialpropertyblock, animations work in third + first
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
moved construction back to high priority but added condition of not carrying an item for the building
6 Years Ago
Construct current building lower priority than gathering to avoid people dropping excess building materials around the building site
6 Years Ago
Update SourceUtils KeyValues
6 Years Ago
temperate birch tweaks halved textures size
6 Years Ago
Misc smartobject debug cleanup
6 Years Ago