223,523 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
removed unused materials and switched used one to new animal shader for the bear switched animal_skin shader to new shader (used on clothes)
7 Years Ago
More debugging convar stuff
7 Years Ago
fixed burlap gloves
7 Years Ago
Moved UpdateWaterVisibility to LateUpdate
7 Years Ago
Building list now gets sent to clients when they join.
7 Years Ago
Shot in the dark: Eliminated physics call from Camera.OnPreRender, toggle with ambientvolumes as well
7 Years Ago
Fixed VisualFXParameters adding duplicate VisualFX components to prefabs when cached Removed animations from ConsumeFromX interactions
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
Animation event debug stuff
7 Years Ago
Fixed RUST-1439 - Barricades at Sat dish have no collision / not destructible
7 Years Ago
Damp test
7 Years Ago
Feature creeped a last minute radtown highrise.
7 Years Ago
Fixed potential DebugToolsObject.DrawUnitGizmos NRE
7 Years Ago
testbox_nospawns navmesh
7 Years Ago
Fixed IndexOutOfRangeException when publishing and Steam is down
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
VisualFX particle system API changes
7 Years Ago
Changed camera collider for triggers to own layer, just to be sure
7 Years Ago
If can't init Steam on the server - just quit instead of throwing thousands of errors.
7 Years Ago
Fixed applying skins on server
7 Years Ago
Catch log file creation exceptions
7 Years Ago
Fixed serverinfo NRE
7 Years Ago
Fixed player weapon hold type never being set
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed PatrolHelicopterAI serialization
7 Years Ago
Human-Food module tweaks
7 Years Ago
Linux library location
7 Years Ago
fixed missing radiation at airfield
7 Years Ago
Profiling directives, fixed a couple of bad samples
7 Years Ago
:) :| :(
7 Years Ago
Terrain floaty fix.
7 Years Ago
Missing skin icon spam
7 Years Ago
Steamworks optimizations
7 Years Ago
Hapis tunnel stuff
7 Years Ago
Fixed badly imported flame fx texture
7 Years Ago
AvatarPostprocessor moved to AvatarUtility, available via menu
7 Years Ago
Fakancy test
7 Years Ago
Added SteamServer.PublicIp (modders)
7 Years Ago
Player created desire momentum tweak. Cooking AI tweak.
7 Years Ago
Osx Fix
7 Years Ago
Steamworks update
7 Years Ago
metal_panels_e texture set (used for ship hulls)
7 Years Ago
Added skyreflection and ambientvolumes debug convars
7 Years Ago
Fixed RenderTexture not being destroyed when generating workshop icon
7 Years Ago
Made bridge prefabs Added inclines to AI
7 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #472
7 Years Ago
Steamworks Update
7 Years Ago
Workshop view - latest, trending, popular categories
7 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #472