243,064 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.60cph!
Fixed some null checking nonsense with Unity's null overriding and referencing a monobehaviour as an interface
added whats new splash image
placed 33 in correct place and hid alleyway buildings
Got rid of casting in LayoutLerp update (still shit)
Item tool/weapon/wearable flag NRE fixes
Cars still set a wanted state if you bail out before hitting someone.
unhid alleyway buildings on hex 17 and 8
Footwear specific footsteps
made lots of collision around ramps in alleyways and also fixed broken collision on ramp 2
added more mission points
fixed non-alleyway walls to be the same distance from road
FOR FUCK SAKE unit mini frame
codegen + manifest ( fixes spotlights )
Tile fall is now every 4 rounds, starting at round 8
Tool to ItemComponent, added durability data
FOR FUCK SAKE fix tile highlight stuff
Left clicking any tile now "cancels" (enters unit selection mode)
Wearable and Weapon to ItemComponents
FOR FUCK SAKE more shader conversion
FOR FUCK SAKE tile texture stuff to remove soeme crappy compression
Can now leave a mission before it starts
MachineProcess start/stop cleanup
searchlight beam improvements
unhid alleyway building on hex 8
Simple sight world model lod updates
Stripped a missing script from UI scene (console input field)
Stripped a missing camera component from some nested cameras
Fixed a bunch of missing script behaviours (RUST-1633 and RUST-1628)
Optimized sound / particle parent disconnects
fixed nav points so they all link up correctly