243,201 Commits over 3,898 Days - 2.60cph!
Fixed incorrect animator import settings on cave_canyon_a
Stripped unused animators from prefabs
Added editor script to find unused animators
Scene2Prefab where required
Stripped retired scripts from some prefabs
Fixed mouse on event constantly triggering
Dispose of SteamClient in OnApplicationQuit
Fixing some reconnection bugs.
No steam or analytics in editor
PlayerController.MouseOver checks correct array
Automated Windows Build #630
Automated Linux DS Build #630
Automated Linux Build #630
Deprecate Lua::Type::Name array outside of GMOD builds
New pool needs a bit more testing before it's ready for main (and GameObjectPool need some more work). Almost there.
Fixed incorrect cursor state
Unit.Knowledge stores a dictionary of new EntityKnowledgeData struct instead of DateTime to track
GroupKnowledge no longer stores arrays of entities, instead relays data to other group members
Removed "Group Knowledge" entity source in DM
Automated Windows Build #629
Automated Linux DS Build #629
Automated Linux Build #629
Deprecate Type::INVALID & added Type::NONE
CLuaInterface cleanup
Added Angle/Vector types to public Lua interface (+optional use of source's angle/vector types)
Stripped INeedsToStartDisabled (we do this for all prefabs anyhow)
Removed LODBatch (obsolete)
Added foliage displacement to foundations
Foliage displacement culling
FOR FUCK SAKE unit animation controller
!A tile prefab stuff
Fixed filtering by ItemType not working in UnitDecisionmaker