256,406 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
audio mixer snapshot blending based on camera distance.
Don't cache names in editor because unless in playmode
Audio bundles can specify UnitSettings, updated animal bundles
Description overflow fix.
Cop AI work and refactoring. Cops keep their guns out and remember criminals for 30s, then go totally back to normal. Also commented out some OnDrawGizmos stuff so I can see my own ones.
Fixed terrain shader compilation when parallax keyword is enabled
flame turret network usage reduction
flameturret fireballs slow movement by 20% more
large furnace has turn on/off buttons on loot panel
large furnace can only be accessed from its alcoves
fixed chocolate bar missing eat sound
Automated Linux DS Build #537
Reduced hiz culling default update freq to match playercull (for now)
Restored more aggressive player model applyVis (w/ fix for parts)
Fixed hiz culling heap alloc
Fixed hiz redundant call
Automated Windows Build #537
* Don't load new background images when in-game
Updating to latest overgrowth material
Disabled terrain base pyramid map baking
Cherry picking overgrowth material / textures
Cherry picking grass meshes
Individual grass blade clumps models for terrain grass
Bear Cave, not fully working + reimport of stats
Desires and Emotes summaries.
Waterpipe shotgun optimisation
WTP overgrowth dressing backup
Only show interaction position data warning when there are positional interactions defined in the Entity/SmartObject data
Default interactions for a few items, removed destroy on unsubscribe from SmartObject since it was no longer used
Editor tweaks
Improved quality of lowest lod terrain rendering at ~25% cost
DataBrowser listing tweaks
DispenserParameters validates dispensable names
Fixed player controller not filtering Abilities properly
Fixed NRE with debug spawn panel
Fixed some interaction actions being the wrong order
CorpseParameters implements IInteractionProvider
reworked some stuff ready for combat playback system
Various resource interactions tweaks (exclusivity, positions, distances etc)
Automated Linux DS Build #536
split out howies concept scene buildings and adding to height test scene
Fixed duplicate building views being created + more animation stuff in BuildingView
Ground boost
Messed with gravity
Automated Windows Build #536