userBill Bcancel

1,542 Commits over 1,705 Days - 0.04cph!

1 Year Ago
Removed silence from the start of the combat knife deploy sound so that it doesn't sound like you're scraping it on your head
1 Year Ago
Fixed missing deploy sound for combat knife (missing animation event)
1 Year Ago
If an attempted spawn by the spawn handler fails (e.g. due to something being in the way), don't count that as a filled spawn - let it try again unless numToTry is exhausted as well
1 Year Ago
If destroying a train car during spawn, wait one frame. Prevents NRE when the spawn also involves a network group switch.
1 Year Ago
More early exits for when trains are destroyed during update ticks, and more checks for disposed CompleteTrains (since we free the train car list when disposing, we can't reference it afterwards). Fixes the root cause of the NREs that were fixed in 71430.
1 Year Ago
Fixed a couple of CompleteTrain NREs
1 Year Ago
Fix attempt for SprayCanSpray_Freehand NRE
1 Year Ago
Fixed spray can pie menu sound playing even when players don't have the store item that enables it, and fixed all pie menus playing their cancel sound together with their open sound when first opened (introduced in 3572 - despite millions of pie menu activations, this went unnoticed for 7½ years!).
1 Year Ago
Fixed HM LMG prefab
1 Year Ago
Reverted GetItem to the older version without GetCachedItem. GetCachedItem is now only used in DelayedModsChanged.
1 Year Ago
Null check to prevent BaseLiquidVessel NRE
1 Year Ago
Fixed coupled train cars not loading in the train cars next to them (from save)
1 Year Ago
EngineUI prefab commit, it seems to want to commit some more info about font colour. Maybe this will stop Unity refreshing it so much.
1 Year Ago
Bugfix, handle train coupling changing before server init
1 Year Ago
Removed hudcomponenttoggle, replaced it with just using hudcomponent with no second parameter
1 Year Ago
[Paddy requests] - Added select all and select none options to the HUD Tools menu - Added a toggle version of hudcomponent - HUD toggles now support enabling and disabling HUD components that don't have their own canvas (e.g. Vitals) - Crosshair sub-components are now manually included in the tools list as available to toggle (can also be toggled via convar)
1 Year Ago
[For Paddy] Admin client convar for HUD component toggles. Format: hudcomponent BeltBar t It is, unfortunately, case sensitive.
1 Year Ago
Apply the 50% minimum distance to SprayLineDecal as well
1 Year Ago
Fixed decals disappearing very early at low Object Quality settings
1 Year Ago
Disabled head bob while flying
1 Year Ago
Added ability to toggle the error text component
1 Year Ago
Added HUD components to the admin tools menu. Allows for enabling and disabling individual components of the HUD
1 Year Ago
Potential brake sparks fix
1 Year Ago
Added world colliders for the end railings on the wagons
1 Year Ago
Re-disabled vehicles parenting to other vehicles for now (was recently enabled on train wagons, flatbeds, scrap heli). There are issues around velocity when entering and leaving the triggers that I don't have the time to solve right now. It would be nice to support minicopters being carried on train flatbeds among other things, so I'll enter this as a task for the future.
1 Year Ago
Fixed a couple of bugs with vehicle trigger parenting
1 Year Ago
ScrapTransportHelicopter terrain collision proxy script
1 Year Ago
Updated the scrap transport heli server-side world collider setup to include the gap at the back, so that other vehicles can plausibly be loaded in.
1 Year Ago
Removed train wagons from my test map
1 Year Ago
Revert the wearable LOD4 commit. Not going to be worth it with the fixed LOD ranges we have for all wearables.
1 Year Ago
Added support for LOD 4 in Wearable and SkeletonSkinLod
1 Year Ago
Adjusted flatbed parenting triggers
1 Year Ago
Lowered modular car flatbed world colliders
1 Year Ago
Enabled vehicle parenting on other vehicles as well: Modular car flatbeds, and the scrap transport heli. If you can get a vehicle in there, might as well let you carry it.
1 Year Ago
- Added support for vehicles to enter the parent triggers of other vehicles (somehow we've never needed this before!). - Now that we support it, added parenting to trains so that e.g minicopters can land on trains without sliding off. - Cleaned up BaseMountable a little, removed some very old commented-out code.
1 Year Ago
Wait one frame in TriggerParent when killing the player. Fixes the player not being able to respawn properly after falling asleep and dying in the same frame
1 Year Ago
Fixed train-to-rigidbody collision sometimes bringing the train to a stop
1 Year Ago
Fixed the TriggerTrainCollisions invalid object rejection, re-enabled it
1 Year Ago
Compile fix
1 Year Ago
Disabled my train collision rejection code until I solve its issues
1 Year Ago
More FX code edits
1 Year Ago
Train FX code edits
1 Year Ago
Updated vehicle collision effect code, fixed the warnings re SubmarineDuo
1 Year Ago
Merge WorkCartUpdate -> Main
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
▇▋▌▍▍▆ ▊▄▉▋▇▍▄ ▊▌▌▇▉▅▇▆ ▉▄█▇▆▆▄▍▄▇▊▋▋▉▋▋▌▇▋▋▊▆ ▆▅▍▌▉▄▉▍ ▍█ ▌▊▌ ▋█▉▊▄▊ ▅█ █▋▆▇▄ ▅▅▉▆█▉▉ ▆▌ ▆█▇▊▍▇ ▅█▆ ▍▄▋▍▇▆ ▊▊ ▅▉▌ ▌█▋██▍█ █▋ ▍▆▄▉▍ ▅▅▆█▋. ▋▇▍█▇ ▇▇▅ ▋▆▉▌█▄█▍▋ ▊▍▅▍▍ ▊ ▋▆▊▄▅▄▅▅▇▆ █▌█▌▍ █▅▅ ▌▊▅▅▅▋ ▄▅▍█ █▇▆ ▋▋▋▅ ▆▊ ▆ ▆▄▊▅▅▉▍▅ ▄▄▋ ▆▌▄▅ ▆█ ▉▅▍▍▄▅▋▊▄▍▋▄ ▋▋▋▌ ▌▍▋ ▄▄▄▉▋▍▄▌ ▊▆▉▆▉▉▆.
1 Year Ago
Fixed solar panels pointing to the sun's location in the server's central sky dome instead of the suns true direction. Light angle on solar panels now always matches visible sun position.
1 Year Ago
Hid MC Repair, Hab Repair, and ScrapTransportHeliRepair items
1 Year Ago
Fixed WorkCart movement audio playing when it shouldn't be in certain situations
1 Year Ago
Fixed a couple of bugs with the WorkCart monitor changes