116,364 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Optimizing overly expensive underwater bubbles & plankton WIP
Fixed misassigned bones on new viewmodels
Unsaved viewmodels render update
Nixed late blue cast on water splashes, looks odd in certain weather conditions.
Fixed issue with throttle splash on rhib.
divingsuit world model, prefab setup, icons
Use the version of tugboat_dirt_leaks from Tugboat branch
One more tweak to controls LOD0 mesh
Finished tugboat and controls LOD0
Tugboat texture tweaks
New specular map for glass
Trying to profile an error that turned out to be corrupted asset bundles
Fixed SocketMod_InWater (was broken inside pools)
Fixed fishing rod (was broken almost everywhere)
Fixed various rendering issues with the torch on & off state.
Disabled the viewmodel flare for now because of compatibility issues, and tweaked the glass to get more traditional flaring to compensate.
Cherry picked
83709 => Standard override update, Decal Layer Masking
Calibrated the brightness to match the vanilla torch
Fixed DecalLayerMask interacting with SSS materials
Added shader support for Decal Layer Mask
initial vm diver ak seaweed physics setup (disabled for now)
83705 (merge conflict, will have to reapply once we're on main with everything)
Added WaterVisibilityTrigger to sewer branch (only had WaterCullingVolume which is purely visual)
and the rest of the diver suit vm files files gg matt
diver suit view model prefab setup and added to item
Cherry picked
83701 => Updated Standard shader override to match Rust/Standard
Updated Standard shader override to match Rust/Standard
Cherry picked
83696 => Ambient lighting fixes
Cherry picked
83696 => Ambient lighting fixes
Cherry picked
83696 => Ambient lighting fixes
Fixed ambient lighting in view model camera not matching environment when inside
Fixed ambient lighting darker than before when inside
reworked wood part of brick skin to look higher quality
hooked up climb idle in player controller
Added support for a LOD4 in wearables, uses a different LOD arrangement
polish around roof.top.line models alignments so everything lines up
exported unarmed player climb rope idle animation
Added new climbRope state to player controller, with blendtree setup and onRopeLadder param
diver hazmat lods, scripts, prefab setup - needs item definition setting up properly (use sunburn dlc), vm, wm and icon still
Merge PhysicsLayerRevamp -> Main
lowered inner wood beam on conditional wall corners
perfected foundation corner meshes to be seamless/no zfight
disabled vending machines in terminal building