116,465 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
[D11] DTLS network interface 'connected' state implemented, and has write streams setup. Log level set externally by the application. Socket error feedback improvements, and multiple connection test-code tidied.
[D11] Hooked up PS4 lightbar and vibration to UI ConVar's
[D11] Fix for not getting into 4k maps, made the storage for the maps use persistantDataPath instead of streamingDataFolder, tested on PS4, Editor and Xbox
When you thought your last fix was the last fix.
More fixes.
Removed the buzz from non-fluorescent ship lights because it's driving me nuts.
Fixed LightGroupAtTime disabling volumetric beams directly, to only adjust alpha
LOD, renderer, collider and foliage grids extent beyond terrain size to support offshore stuff
Added monument offshore placement logic (used by oil rigs)
Added invert culling toggle to culling volume
Removed light housings from heavy scientist helmet
Cargoship light bleeding issues.
Temp hack for non-procedurally-instanced billboard scale/rotation
Added bake imposters option to asset fiddler
Fixed Oak E imposter (it was referencing itself)
[D11][UI] Adjustments to Research table UI, and fade removed from inventory sort icon.
[D11] Adjustments to look-at-detection - stretch capsule downwards rather than equally from middle
Added error for imposters trying to reference themselves
Fix for tree pools with new lodgroup changes.
Made D11DynamicInstancing prefab info static.
Made PrefabPoolCollection.SetGroup assign the correct prefabID instead of relying on the Poolable component being preprocessed before the component that assigns the group.
[D11][UI] Added RPC to sort items in an item container. Enabled right click to sort player main inventory
Fixed various UI panels using GameObject instead of GameObjectRef
Imposter server compile fix
Fixed invisible light occludees when not bound to a culling volume
[D11] [UI] Added static method for closing any active radial menus.
Add D11DynamicInstancing component to camera
Proper fix for impostor probe lighting (all platforms)
[D11] [UI] Interaction menus when hovering over objects in the world now correctly get hidden/disabled (previously didn't work for dropped world-entity objects).
[D11] [UI] adjusted the map UI to match the updated mockup
Disabled texture streaming debug text
Merge with d11_console_version
Attempt at fixing intermittent impostor indirect lighting on vulkan
[D11] [UI] Adjusted selector visuals in radial menus. Adjusted blur size on radial menus. Fixed quick craft not having blur enabled. Added translations for thumbsticks.
CodeLock.keyEnterDialog is GameObjectRef
Convert renderer/tree LODGrid components to LODGroup components, fixed billboard shaders
Added client.createtiming convar to log entity creation timings
[D11] [UI] Fixed toggle position animations not working. Removed some debug log messages.
Gather stats for plant skins and save out gibs as prefabs
[D11] [UI] Interactions will no longer work and action menus in-game for interacting with objects in the world will no longer appear when in "Build" mode (player has planner selected).