248,627 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Bugfix: patch sheared frames when exporting json snapshot
- In Editor EndOfFrame is called as part of nested GUI, which our profiler shears apart. For now we inject additional marks to maintain callstack structure
- left a TODO to properly reconstruct a sheared frame
- For now expanding frame scope to cover sheared period
Tests: exported craggy snapshot and opened in perfetto - no more randomly trashed frames
Fix occlusion not using proper listener position and constantly overriding the target
Additional checks when loading JSON bindings, don't poll for hand tracking if instance doesn't support it, make sure we have an instance
dropped block scale a little
Fix tileX & tileY not being set in generation cfg
when the tile generation config was created.
This caused all sorts of issues, e.g. incorrect bounds, overwrites of tiles that were already created...
Also don't pad tile bounds on z axis.
Only reinitialize navmesh if tile related properties change
Make navmesh generation parallel & thread safe
Optimization: Shrink tile bounds (Z axis) before generation
Fixed SKS description using the SAR token
Fix component template not adding the new component
Fix broken loading screen characters
ControllerInput: don't use input actions because they change game to game, use raw buttons
- ▋█▌▄▋▅ ▍█▌▉▆▋ ▆▋▌█▆▇▊▋▌▌▌▋▍▆▆▇▇ ▋▍▌▍▆▍ ▍▆█ ▋▅▅ ▍▉▊▄▋▋▌▍▆▇▋▋▍▋▌▊▄ ▄█▍▊▅▄▊ ▇▋ ▄▋▌▆▋▉▉▉▍▇▆▋▆ (▉▇█ ▅█▅▅▄█ ▅▇▅ ▇▇▆ ▉▌█▍▊▍ ▋▄▄▍▉▆▆█▌▉▇▇▌)
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Added a progress bar when reloading the catapult
Restore these SceneCamera hooks that fish.sauna is using
Fix GetActionGraphInstance() for multicast delegates
Gizmo.Settings.GizmosEnabled applies to DrawGizmos as well, resolves #1539
EntityTreeModel::mimeData calls base again so native interactions still work
Hammer GameObjects can have children
Basic CommandBuffer
Make RenderStage public, space out the numbers a bit more
Slim down SceneCamera Actions
Add CameraComponent.Commands, obsolete unused AddHooks
Rotate all siege weapon wheels in a quaternion space instead of euler angles.
Fixes all instances of gimbal lock on the Catapult/Ballista and Siege Tower wheels
Break properly when clicking simulated mouse, so we don't interact with every rootpanel, now it's ordered properly
Simple Vehicle Visuals now supports easy assignment of wheel rotate direction (X,Y or Z)
Priority Refactor, didn't make much sense to do it this way
Adhere to RootPanel Priority when rendering overlays
switched out ddraw hitguide for basic prefab setup and added some lerping to target pos to offset delay from interaction tick rate
Revert "Fake Ip p2p socket test"
This reverts commit f3bece1dc379452f19b89fad20a1676149deb71a.
Extra debug convars
Update: Factor out profielr exporting logic to a separate script
- Also cleaned up a couple log outputs, as the collection seems sensible
- Cleaned a couple already-done TODOs
Tests: Did an export from editor and standalone server (6k size, 0 pop), loaded in perfetto
[pick] GetBindlessRWTextureXXX if compute shader
IsCloudInstalled doesn't care about versions by default
Skip installing remote package if there's already an installed version by default, always download when explicitly installing/updating etc
Remove manual package install button
fix log interpolation
Sound Occlusion traces now follow the rules of the "sound" collision group, which defaults to only collide with "solid".
Fix ProjectSettings.ReadWithFallback not running JsonUpgraders on old meta fallbacks
VirtualCursorSystem - work relative to screen size
Fixed pulling and pushing siege tower
showing some visual feedback on where player will chip into the sculpture if they're holding a weapon with a compatible damage type (just ddraw for now)
particle.rework wip scene
Clickable class is prioritized, fix modal system NRE, reduce panel traversal block size
█▆▇▊▍▉▇ ▍▉▊ ██▅ ▉▇ ▊▉.▊▋.▅