238,093 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.59cph!

46 Days Ago
Fixed a misaligned shadow proxy on wall_plaster_300 prefab S2P power_sub_big_2, harbor_1, harbor_2, powerplant, trainyard and water treatment
46 Days Ago
Fixed ladder_prop prefab having a box collider instead of it's mesh collider Affects dome, wooden cabins b/d/e, lighthouse, water well b/c/d/e
46 Days Ago
S2P junkyard and launch site as they also used the offending walkway prefab
46 Days Ago
Fix several walkways at dome using the wrong collider and blocking bullets where they shouldn't
46 Days Ago
Fixed bike instrument light z-figting
46 Days Ago
taco, burrito skunk care package cash card model wip
46 Days Ago
Improved sidecar bike still pulling slightly to the left. Also moved centre of mass on motorbikes towards the rear a little.
46 Days Ago
Fix map collider destroying body when it shouldn't, causing a crash when map physics aggregate is destroyed
46 Days Ago
For legacy hammer maps, take global volumetric fog scale from VolumetricFogController
46 Days Ago
Merge from spectator_team_fix
46 Days Ago
Another attempt at fixing the spectator display showing incorrect team member names while spectating Also made a small performance improvement
46 Days Ago
Merge EditorExtras -> main
46 Days Ago
Fix e defined but not set Removed unused variable viewerPosition Show preview tile under cursor when in Tileset Tool. Fit to Grid nicely
46 Days Ago
Fix ortho lights in SceneMapLoader and custom shadow size, note that shadow culling will suck on ortho lights until we change tiled culling to use frusta
46 Days Ago
Fix text renderer scale
46 Days Ago
- ▉▊▊▄▊▋ █▉▌▅ ▉▇▄▍, ▇▆▊▉▋▅▆ ▅▆▇▅▍█ ▇▊▉▇▉█▆▌▉ ▆▇ ▉▄▆▌▊▇▆ - ▋▇▄▉▌█ ▍█▊ ▄██▇▌▊▇▅ ▍▆▌▄ '--▍▋▅▋▄▇-▄▋▌█▉▌▄█▉' -> '-▇▋▌▅▇▄-▌▆█▅▌█▌▋▅' ▍▇ ▉▆ ▌▊▍▋ ▋▅-▍▋▋▊ ▌▊▆█ ▄▍█▅▄ █▍▅█▊▊▅ ▌▅▍▋▉▅▆▌▊
46 Days Ago
Store the last code entered into a code lock in player prefs so it gets saved between servers and between client restarts
46 Days Ago
Merge from travelling_vendor/dynamic_pricing Summary: vending price changes now take place in real time and will occur every 5 hours by default (was tied to in-game time and was happening 4 times an hour)
46 Days Ago
Dir tweaks, asset reconfig
46 Days Ago
General layout tidy-up
46 Days Ago
Moved the Loadouts section to the bottom since there are so many loadouts now
46 Days Ago
Fixed the 'LOADOUT' section making the editor window want to be very wide
46 Days Ago
Import some tile assets Test Tileset Resource TilesetLayerControl deletes on right click without the additional popup Rebuild TilesetToolInspector when Selected Layer changes. Serialize Selected Layer as part of the ControlSheet Fixed TilesetComponent SceneObject vertex maths. Each layer now gets its own material, sharing materials between layers if same atlas is used. Update Grid Size to follow Tileset size Fix Selected Layer inspector update TilesetComponent NRE fixes
46 Days Ago
Decouple dynamic pricing entirely from in-game time, now operates off real time Renamed IntervalHours to PriceUpdateFrequency, defaults to 5 hours (this will also ensure the new defaults roll out next month) Add npcvendingmachine.addHours for testing now that env.addtime will no longer affect npc vending prices
46 Days Ago
A couple of minor adjustments to the editor
46 Days Ago
Added a section in the editor that allows enabling a CLIENT+SERVER physics testing mode
46 Days Ago
Added NPCVendingMachine.UseRealTime toggle, will use the system clock instead of the in-game clock when adjusting prices Recommend adjusting IntervalHours down dramatically when using this option so that prices don't take 5 real time days to adjust (setting this to 5 would match the current behaviour) If changed at runtime resetDynamicPricing should be called afterwards to resync the pricing to the new clock This would also have a side effect of making prices adjust while the server is offline - prices will be processed to make up for the missing time when a server is booted up again
46 Days Ago
Fixed bad spacing in the Game section
46 Days Ago
Merge from main
46 Days Ago
merge from tincan_alarm
46 Days Ago
Added prevent building volumes to the junkyard car shredder
46 Days Ago
Sync attacking animation Broadcast Explosion animation for Exploder Fix Fade-In. Do it entirely thru CSS so UI doesnt rebuild every frame while fading.
46 Days Ago
▊▊▋█ ▍▌▌▄▋▌▄▄ / ▇▅█▊▉▄▇▉▄▍
46 Days Ago
▅▇▄▆█▍█▉ / ▉▉▇▇▊▊▋▄▅█
46 Days Ago
46 Days Ago
Don't allow zero quaternion in body transform, check against quat zero and use identity, if we find more invalid quaternions there's extra checks we can do
46 Days Ago
▊▉▍▉▅▇▄▄▆█▄▍ ▉▄▊▅▌▉▆ ▄▉▄ ▊▍▅█▇▇ ▌▊▉▄▍▋▉▊▌
46 Days Ago
coastal rocks decor modifier size tweak
46 Days Ago
v_usp: fixed fire animations having the hammer behaving wrong, and a little blend-out hitch (was caused by fire anims being turned into self-referential additives as opposed to referencing the base idle poses)
46 Days Ago
File name cleanup Jutting cliff prototype Large coastal rock prototype
46 Days Ago
Updated spawn settings for variety of cliff generators
46 Days Ago
Categorize all the viewmodel props
46 Days Ago
Add ViewModel.UseMovementInertia
46 Days Ago
No longer take ownership of Manager GameObject No longer take ownership of the GameObjects that shouldn't be owned by anyone Mark a bunch of client-side prefabs as Never Network Update Shadow Spawning and make them client-side. Reduces a ton of network load. Remove .wav files from ResourceFiles Move SpawnShadow from OnAwake to OnStart to ensure GameManager initializes Stop looping through every player and doing sqrt calculations for each individual sfx Don't network Current/Required Experience since it isn't shown to other players Don't run certain Spitter code on non-host EnemyBullets should only check collisions on host Don't update Hud on Time.Now, make fade in client-side Save game.scene after having it run the JsonUpgraders
46 Days Ago
Use IsValid checks in AddShapeCollision, shape/body might have been removed from under us
46 Days Ago
Improved the wire deployment checks to reject any placement in prevent-building volumes, except for monument root volumes
46 Days Ago
Recreate mesh shape on update, this is the safe option until we get proper fixes
46 Days Ago
Moved harbor containers prevent building volume to client/server
46 Days Ago
Only check for StartupScene in Publish Wizard if Type == "game"
46 Days Ago
Compile warning fixes Fixed crash with trigger_weapon_strip Fixed faceposer breaking after 384 different flex names were loaded in a session Now there should be no limit, and it doesn't preallocate 384 pointers. Compile warning fixes & add some missing .h files to the solution Fix VPC not generating project folders, fix missing project folders