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3 Years Ago
Temp working prefabs & ocean tweaks
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
Centre of mass adjustment edit
3 Years Ago
Some optimizations
3 Years Ago
Adjusted player's hand position on sub steering wheel
3 Years Ago
Fixed health displaying as a float. Fixed tag names (apparently you can't use periods?) Changed AreaOfEffect to AreaOfEffectRadius for clarity
3 Years Ago
Fix auto complete in console not showing up
3 Years Ago
Also update unit static tags
3 Years Ago
Two seperate flowfield entity tags: flowfield.ground and flowfield.ignore to distinguish between units and the ground
3 Years Ago
Removed old Placeholder render entity and added a custom render entity for ability target selection. Use Input.Down instead of Pressed or Released for selecting ability targets to guarantee selection.
3 Years Ago
Submarine steering wheel moves. Removed GetSteering method from BaseMountable as it wasn't used anywhere.
3 Years Ago
TriggerWaterGap system that ultimately we don't actually need, so putting this in a branch. 63115 actually handles the situation well enough on its own.
3 Years Ago
Fixed flamethrower particles not displaying and fixed a compile error in Ragdoll
3 Years Ago
Various optimizations for performance including use RenderAlpha instead of EnableDrawing (why does this help?)
3 Years Ago
Cyrillic support for names in leadeboards Limited support for CJK characters
3 Years Ago
Use native System.Numerics.Vector3 for fog calculations because it is faster, and only update the fog map once every 100ms
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Merge Submarine->HDRP_Art_Backport (aux)
3 Years Ago
Trying a fix for null MobileMountable. Slower but more foolproof fix also written here but commented out
3 Years Ago
Underwater plant texture spec changes for a more underwatery look Preliminary ocean depth darkening parameters & related materials Water goggles post fx (not implemented yet)
3 Years Ago
Use Library.GetAttribute instead of using reflection to get the type name
3 Years Ago
Fixed entity hud anchor elements updating in the wrong place. Added component system for items. Units will take time to move between tunnels. Merge branch 'master' of sbox-rts
3 Years Ago
▍▅██▋▊▋ ▅▆ ▅▇▇ ▇▉▉▅▉█▍▆, ▆▉▅▉ ▄▇▄▉▄
3 Years Ago
Organised Flamethrower Particle Moved flamethrower particle into own folder Added Electric bolt particle Electric bolt particle Added Ice Blast particle Ice Blast Particle
3 Years Ago
Add BBox.ToString
3 Years Ago
Oops, actually make it calculate the bounds
3 Years Ago
Added Hammer.Path Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Added BasePathEntity Entities derived from BasePathEntity will appear in the Path Tool in Hammer. BasePathEntity parses the nodes from Hammer into a ready to use format, as well as provides a few helper functions to get the curves as they appear in Hammer.
3 Years Ago
Shark prefab/id fix after moving it
3 Years Ago
Mesh.CreateBuffers can optionally calculate bounds for you
3 Years Ago
Calculate vertex attribute color formats a bit better for procedural meshes, fixes vertex colors using Color32
3 Years Ago
Allow VertexBuffer.AddCube to set a color
3 Years Ago
Some more tidyup / comments etc.
3 Years Ago
Fixed NetworkEntityList changed callback being called every time even when it isn't dirty
3 Years Ago
merge from submarine/ai/
3 Years Ago
merge from ai main
3 Years Ago
merge from underwater
3 Years Ago
Read only Entity.All
3 Years Ago
Split up. added comments, tidied up WaterSystem class
3 Years Ago
Make SceneObject.All a read only list
3 Years Ago
Done properly and remove old attempt at wrapping IParticleCollection
3 Years Ago
Blockout bench Merge branch 'master' of sbox-game
3 Years Ago
Panel derives from PropertyClass Fixed NRE in Property.SetValue Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
CheckBox can have a label Button can have an activevalue TextEntry can have an icon GameList has non-functional options
3 Years Ago
█▄▊ ▇▌▋ ▍▄▆ ▇▊▊▌▄▋▅▉ ! ▉▆▍▅▊▅ ▅▊▍▇▋
3 Years Ago
Add phys2_world_bounds convar (off by default) to stop objects being kept inside network bounds so we can see what issues come from that
3 Years Ago
merge from /submarine