248,616 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
Merge from voiceprops/dlc
4 Years Ago
Added the large disco floor variant as a skin Repair bench will reskin an entire stack of items instead of reducing the stack to 1 (redirect issue) Moved colour gradients from DiscoFloor component to DiscoFloorColourLookup component
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Full collection achievement implementation
4 Years Ago
Merge Main->NewWounding
4 Years Ago
If server saves while player is wounded, just have them die on load. They were getting stuck in wounded state forever.
4 Years Ago
Save BoomBox.BacktrackLength server convar Audio entities will now use the connected audio entity of any other audio entity they encounter when backtracking, should reduce hops and allow further chains of audio entities
4 Years Ago
Various improvements and optimizations but units still get stuck between portals
4 Years Ago
Improved fix for picklechuting
4 Years Ago
Boom box decay while playing music now respects Decay.scale convar
4 Years Ago
Further prevent picklechuting by ignoring wounded damage immunity if it's fall damage
4 Years Ago
Fixed power input slot name on disco ball
4 Years Ago
Re-check majority damage type when progressing from crawling to incapacitated state, not just when going from healthy to wounded (crawling)
4 Years Ago
Revert the previous poisoning commit to prevent "pickle cave diving"
4 Years Ago
Cancel pending poison damage when changing wounded state
4 Years Ago
Fix swimming and ladder climbing being extra slow
4 Years Ago
Add player.stopgesture_radius to cancel gestures on all players in the given radius
4 Years Ago
Medkit recovery from wounded no longer works with fall damage (prevent "one weird trick" to fall as far as you want)
4 Years Ago
If a player is on a ladder when they become wounded, make them fall off
4 Years Ago
Can no longer record onto a cassette while it's playing
4 Years Ago
Make the injure command less strict than the real thing, so we don't stop players using it right after being injured previously and so on
4 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to edit radio settings on held boom box while building blocked
4 Years Ago
So close to having working flow field that's reasonably fast, except sometimes units get stuck alternating between nodes
4 Years Ago
▉▄▍▉ ▄▇▋▆▌▇ ▌▇▋▅▋▅▋: ▊▊▄▇▋ ██▄▊▅▇ ▋▆▍▍▍ █▉▍▌▄▊▍▋ ▇▌ ▌ ▋▋██▅▆▇▉█▍ █▌▉██▇, ▅▇▉▊█▍ █▇▉'▌ ▇▊▍▋▇▍▌▊▋▇▆▊▆▉ ▍▇ █▍▄ ▊▇▇▊▇▋▇▌▆ ▇▌▇ ▅▍▇ ▌▊ ▉▋▊█▄▍▋▄ ▅▉▅▄ ▋▅██▆▌█▄ ▄▊ ▍▍▅▉▆▌/▄▄▋▌▊▆ ▋▊▇▉▉ ▇▊▉▆▆▆ ▋▉▆▇ ▌▌▄▌ ▌▊▍▋▋▆▉▋ ▍▄▄▌▆ ██▇▌▄▊ ▇▅█▉ ▇▋ ▋█▍▄█▅▆▋ ▄▌ ▊▌▌▊▇▄▊▊█ ▆▇▍▇▅▌ (▉▌▅▋ ▋█ ▄▉▄▄ ▌▉ ▊█▍▋ ▄▆▉▋█▍ █▇▆█ ▋▄ ▅▇▋▄▌▅▍▇ ▄▍▆▇ ▉▇▌ ▊█ ▉▍▆▉ █▆ ▋▋▇█ ▉▇ ▋█▆▋▍)
4 Years Ago
Don't let the 'injure' console command put the player into wounded state if they're in a situation where becoming wounded would usually be impossible (this will fix the "can still drive while wounded" thing).
4 Years Ago
Source updates
4 Years Ago
Fix another NRE in GoToIncapacitated
4 Years Ago
Fixed error when using injure console command
4 Years Ago
Citizen LOD 2&3
4 Years Ago
Fixed not being able to crouch under half walls
4 Years Ago
Added LOD3 to Citizen (1.7k tris)
4 Years Ago
Merge NewWounding->Main
4 Years Ago
Added LOD2 to Citizen (14k to 3k tris)
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Go directly to incapacitated if player dies from fall damage
4 Years Ago
Added support for animation going directly from standing to incapacitated (requested for fall damage)
4 Years Ago
Chunked Flow Field with "portal" connections coming soon(TM)
4 Years Ago
build !redux_all !ecs
4 Years Ago
Don't keep track of generated method bodies
4 Years Ago
Fixed GameModeData default value handling Enable visibleInBackground ECS pixel collision refactor, reflections are working Attempting to fix a leak Don't put methods with stage path conditions in shared method files
4 Years Ago
Much faster
4 Years Ago
Struct test - slower (50%)
4 Years Ago
Bypass tunnel source backup
4 Years Ago
Airfield move tpoint weaks. Added patrols. Switched spawners to the new generic patrol.
4 Years Ago
Kind of got flow field generation down to a minor stutter...
4 Years Ago
Experimental flow field pathfinding
4 Years Ago
train yard sleep/wake
4 Years Ago
merge from trainyard
4 Years Ago
puzzle reset spawners
4 Years Ago
Update game Merge branch 'master' of sbox Pass "-game" argument to resourcecompiler when building map