247,044 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.62cph!
Expo SDK 41
(cherry picked from commit 600ba4b8c09183251159b093fd5a5e3ba087fb1e)
Update react-native-elements
Revert "Expo SDK 41"
This reverts commit 600ba4b8c09183251159b093fd5a5e3ba087fb1e.
▉▍▄▆ ▌▄▉▇ ▊▄▇ ▄▊▆█▆▊▇ (█▍▌ ▆▉▆ ▄▋▇▉█▆▍▆ ▆▅▉)
▅▉▉▉▅▇▌ ▌▌▌▊█▋
Updated Construct vmap
Updated Construct
Separated shops into prefab
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Work around slowness bug on some Android devices on the chat tab
Make new string translatable
Expo SDK 41
Animal attack calc/range tweaks
Merge from safezoneaggro fix
█▉▉▉▆▄▍▇, ▊▅█▌ ▅▅▌▆▆▇▆▌▋▆ ▆█ ▆▉█▊▆▌
merge from corpseattackbug
Save / play replays from host PC on Switch
Added a way to compare DynamicEaseTo optimisations
Updated bear materials
Added temp updated bear model
Bunker hatch model/textures/colliders
Possible fix for legacy replay divergence
Added LensDirtiness, set up overlays.
CoreLayer optimisation
DynamicEaseTo optimisation for Switch
Fixed GridLayout being one row too big
▊▇▌ ▆▆█ ▄▌▆▄▇ ▆▉▇▅▇▊▉ ▍▊ ▆▉▇▊▆█▄▌
Fixed reliance of Super DoF on the sandbox gamemode (Community Contribution)
TTT: tune shotgun headshot damage (Community Contribution)
TTT: give shotgun very small accuracy boost (Community Contribution)
TTT: show language names correctly in menu (Community Contribution)
▅█▋▉▌▌▊▇ ▌▍ ▄▍▉▌▄▉█ ▊▌█▌▌▌ ▉▍▉ █▍
█▉▌ ██▉ ▍▅▇▉▋▊ █▊▆▇▆▇▍ ██ ▌ █▉█▆▌ ▆▉▅ ▊▇▇▋ ▌▇▅▊, █▍▍ ▍▆ ▌▌▅▄ ▅▉█▇▊▉▍
█▊▅▆▄▅-▊▊▉▅▍█▆▋ ▋▍▆▉▌▄▉▉▊, ▊▊▆▆▊▋▄, ▋▄▋ █▆▆▅ ▌▊▇ ▆▆▇▄▌
█▌▆ ▇▊▆▌▌▉█ ▍▄▉ ▉▋▌▄▌██▍ ▋▌▉▉▋█▍█▋
▆▆▉▋ ▆█ ▍▆▅▌▍▆ ▆▍▆▆▊▆▍█▆, █▌▉▍▋▍ ▋▌▌▋▍▇▋▆▋█▋▇▆ ▌▋ ▋▊█▊█▍▆▆▄▅
▍▍▉▌█▍▋ ▉█▆█▆
▅▄▌ █▋▉▌▍▍▊ ▉▉ ▊▆▄▆ ▆▄▉▊▋ ▉▍█▆
▇▆█▍▋▌▊▇ █▉█▌▄ ▅▊█▅▆▇▇ ▄▅▆▌ █▇▇▋▌ ▉▉▄█▆ ▇▆ ▇▍▅▌ ▍▆▅ ▋▊█▅▍▌▅▉▇ ▉▄▆▅ ▄▉█ ██▍█▍▍█ (▇▌▋ █▄▆▄ ▉█▋▄ ▉▆▄▅█▌▊ ▍▅▉█▍▅▅▌ █▋▇▍▋▆▋▅)
▅▇▅█ ▅▇ ▆▄▊ █▅▉▆ █▇ ▍▄▌▍ ▌▌▍▌ ▉▆▆▋▇▅█▄▋
▋▄▌▌▇█▉ ▊▍ ▉▌▉ ▄▊▉
▍▇█ ▍ ▌▇▍▇▅ █▉ ▆▌▉▌▌▅▇ █▌ ▅ ▉▉▊▊▇ ▆▌ ▇▅▇▉▊▊▋ ▍▋ █▆▇▌▋▊▇▋▆▊, ▄▄▊ ▊▅▊▋▇█▌ ▋▇█▄▄ ▍▄ ▅▄▊▅▌▌▄ ▋▅▄ ▍▇▍▅▌▇▋▆▌▊
▉▅▍▌▆▇▅▍▅ ▋▆▌ ▌▊ ▆▋▊█ ▆▅▊▍▄▉▌▍█ ▊▌▍▋▌▅▇ ▉▍▄ ▋ ▍█▋▄, ▉▇▋▄ ▉▆▍▅▋▆▍▋▄▊ ▅▇▍▆▌█ ▅▆▍▇▋
█▄▆▊▌▉▋▇▉ ▇▊▋ ▋█ ▅▋▋ ▅▉▌ █▆▍▌▋▌▊ ▊▇▍ ▆ █▇▇▅▆ ▋▉▍▋▆▇█▆█ ▉▅▌▊▊, █▅█▉▇▅ ▄█▌▄▍, ▅▍▊ ▅▆▇█▇▍▄▅▆
▋▊▄ ▌▋ ▇▅▊ ▋▍ ▊▉▅ ▄▌▄▍▅▆ ▊▍▌▄ ▇▌▄▆▅▋▉▋▊ ▆▍▊▌▆ ▇▇▄▋▇▅ ▆▇▄▄'▅▉ ▇▇▌▋█▆▍▉ ▊▄
▊▅▍ ▌▅ ▆▍▆ ▅▇ "▍▋▉▋▆" ▍ ▉▊▌▄▋▄ ▄▊ █▅▍▍▋▊ ▊▇▊▇ ▊▍▌█▄ ▍▇ ▌▌▌ ▉▉
▌▄▉ ▉▊ ▇▊▉ ▆▊ ▄▆█ ▍▇▄█▉▊▊▄▆ ▅▆▄ ▅ ▊▌▊▍ (▅▆▅ ▌▇▌ █▆▍▇▊), ▄▄▄▍▉▄▄▊▆▇ ▇▅▌█ ▊▌▆█▉▊▋ ▌▇█▌▅▉▊█▊ ▆▉▆▍ ▄▅▅▇ ▉▅▉▆ ▇▉▌▄▆▇▋▍ ▅▋█▋▍ ▆ ▊▉▄██ █▆▊▄▋▌▌██
▋▌▍█▅▉ █▋▉ ▋▌▆▌ ██▉▅▉▄▌▉▉ ▆▅▊▄▍▋█▅▅ ▇▍ ▇▆▆▋▍▉▇ ▋▌▍▇▉ ▆▊▋▅ ▉▊▇ ▌▊▍▅ ▉▌▋▄▉▋▇█ ▉▉▆▉▆▆▋▅▍
▊▄▊▊▍▊██▅ ▉▍█▌ ▉▆ █▄▊▍▆▉▌▍▉█ ▋▍▍▅▉▍▋▉▇▅▉▇ ▉▊▆▆▉▇▅ █▄▋▄▄▄▆ ▉▌▌█▌ ▅▄▅▆▊
▉▇▊▊▅▌█, ▇▊▅ █▄▋ ▍▍█▌▅▇'▍ ▍▌▄▇▇▍▊▍ ▆█▆▇ ▇▊▋▆ ▋▉▆▅▆▊▇▍▋ ▉▅▌██▇▌▋
▆▊▊▇▇▆ ▆▆▉ ▄▅▌▄ ▊▄▆▋▊▆▌▆ ▋▇▉ - ▄▉▌▋ ▋█▌▅ ▇▉▄▍ ▅▌█▆▄▍▋▉▅▅▊▌▄ ▊▋ ▋▄▄▉▉▆▅▇ ▋▇██ ▅▆▄▉ ▉▉▅▄▌
▆▍▋ ▇▍▋▇▍▍▄▋ ▅▊ ▄▅▇ ▄▉▊ ▍▉▊▍▊ ▉▉▇▅▉▅▆
Should fix [Local] not networking
Clean-up Library class auto enrolment
Initial commit
Update description
Added WaterLevel.Clear()
Fixed player leaving water volume by the side being able to fly
Make a bunch of stuff in WalkController virtual
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Remove unused voxel material
Firing outputs obey the delay
FuncDoor and FuncDoorRotating fire OnFullyOpen
Added skeleton Win Summary
Fix reliance on the sandbox gamemode for DoF (#1798)
* Update super_dof.lua
Co-authored-by: Rubat <robotboy655@gmail.com>
Fixed clientside player velocity for non local players being jittery and incorrect when standing on something moving
Probably water controller NRE
Boilerplate info_particle_system
Delete ambient_generic
Delete point_soundevent
Added Entity.FindByName
Added snd_event_point
trigger_once, trigger_multiple entities
Fix for animals attacking corpses (needs more testing)
safezone aggro changes (needs more testing)