241,204 Commits over 3,867 Days - 2.60cph!
Working on getting Steam working again
TTT: add Simplified Chinese language (#1701)
DMenu submenus inherit parent's derma Skin
DMenuOption text offset is now the same whether it has an icon or not
Print performance into to the screen on switch
Updated postprocessing package
Fixed profiling on switch non-dev builds
Fixed backgrounds not being cleared on restart
Improved shader added a detail amount parameter.
Barricade cover deployable purchasable at Compound
Fixed mixing table costing 500scrap to research
Scene changes
Got rid of BackgroundCamera
More profiling for Switch
progress backup wooden building
Explosive tea recipe changes
Mixing table particle functionality
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Improved locker fix that keeps the right amount of belt slots
Added a GrowableHeatSource component to make heaters affect plants
Uses the new TimeCachedValue to prevent repeated artificial temperature checks (like light checks)
Fixed invisible item slot in the locker UI
Mixing Table VFX + lighting & related files.
Instanced some materials that weren't.
The powered water purifier will stop converting salt water when it's output container is full, will automatically resume once some fresh water is removed
Respect max stack size when creating items.
Recipes can include liquid as an ingredient and will forward the liquid container's contents item.
Fixed two modular car presets not having an engine!
Some more tools to help profile on Switch
Added StageComponent / StageComponentBehaviour
Some performance logging for switch
More consistent type/NULL checking: CNavArea and CLuaEmitter
CLuaParticle.SetThinkFunction/CollideFunction now ErrorNoHalts on bad input
Cherry pick Mac IL2CPP build fixes
Set Mac IL2CPP back to release mode now that it (hopefully) works
Refactor skin approval list to use about a million methods instead of a one gigantic constructor (fixes clang trying to use 100GB of RAM to compile)
Fixed a dozen crashes with Half-Life 2 weapons when the server has hit the edict limit
Potentially fix a crash with RichText
remove the duplicate DImageButton.SetMaterial function