248,547 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
Cherry pick - HLS weapons bug, base_ai OnTakeDamage changes, steamworks build script userconfig changes , crossbow viewmodel skin, bass.dll update
4 Years Ago
Blood impact decal DoBulletImpact predicted
4 Years Ago
▌▆▉▆▌▅▅▆ ▉▄▅▍ ▋▆▋▊▊▅▍▋▅ ▇▇ █▍▉▇▍▅▍▆
4 Years Ago
Bradley no longer remains stationary if it can not find a good engagement spot Bradley uses slightly larger spherecast for vis checks
4 Years Ago
Updated bass.dll to an unreleased version to hopefully fix crashing issues
4 Years Ago
added ao map for eoka pistol
4 Years Ago
Metal surface impact
4 Years Ago
▆▋▄▅ ▉▋▌▋▍▆ █▄ ▇▊▆▉▉▄▌ ▌█▅▉ ▊█▇▄▌▌ ▍█▆▄▅ ▄▄▆▋▇▌▇▍▅▋ ▅▌▇ ▄▍▋▌▅ ▇▌█▅▆ ▇▋ ▅▊▄▍▄ ▋▅▍▆▉▆ ▆▋▋▍██▍▌▉▉▍▄▌▄▄ ▆▌▆ ▊▌▋▍▄▅▆ ▆▄▅▍▍▍▅▉▊▉
4 Years Ago
▋█▇▍▄▌ █▆▌▌▊▆▊▄ ▉▍ ▅█▋█▇ ▌▇▇▇▋ ▆▅▉ ▅▄▍▊ ▄▋▍ █▄▅▇▉▊▊▊ ▊▄▄▄▌ ▊▋▋ ▊▊▆▌▅▄▉ ▇▊▆▋▋▋ (▋▉▉▇▉█▄▇█▌▊▆▋)
4 Years Ago
Surgery on mil tuns to see if that fixes map crash
4 Years Ago
stashes despawn and drop their items if construction is placed overtop of them
4 Years Ago
Removed crosshair glow Fixed prop gibs not inheriting velocity properly Added wood.sheet.surface Crate is made out of wood.sheet.surface
4 Years Ago
▊▇▉▄▆ ▇▊▆▇▇▋▅ ▌▄▋██▍▊▌ ▋▌▊▍▍, ▅▋▋█▌ ▉▍▄▍▇▋▅ ▇█▄█▉▇▅▉ █▊▍█▅▆▍▋▌█ ▋▊▊ ▅▅▉▍▌█▋ ▌▄▌▊ ▍▆▄▉▊█ ▆▉▉███
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Prefab updates
4 Years Ago
Tidying up depth prepass etc.
4 Years Ago
Fixed ragdoll death velocity
4 Years Ago
Fixed assets not always propertly hotloading Added PostReload to SoundEvent Surface.DoBulletImpact does impact sound Bullet impact sounds
4 Years Ago
▉▉▇▌: ▉▅▍▆▉ ▅▇█▋▌▉▊▍▆ ▉▉▍█▊▌▇▆▊ ▍▋▄▇▇▊▌▆▉▅▆ █▊▌▍▌█▇▆▊▌ ▌▇▉▆▇▊ ▆▅▌▉ █▆█ ▍█▉▋▍▋▍▊▄ █▊▌▌▊ ▄▉▅ █▅▊ ▋▅██▅ ▍▄▊ ▅▊▊▌ ▅▅▍█ ▇▊▇█ ▋▆▌▌▍ █▉▍ ▅▊▋ ▄▆▊▋ ▌▄▄▊▄▋▆▉▇▌▋ ▊▋ ▋▊▅▉▄▋▍▉▆ ▊▉▋█▄██▍▉▉ ██▅█▇▄▇ ▊█▊█▍ ▅▋▋▅ ██▅ ▍▉▋▆▉██ "▍▉▊▌▄█▆ ▆▅▇▊" ▆▌█ ▋▅█ ▌▌ ▊█▍▊▌ ▍▄▋▊▄ ▋▆▉▄▌▄▋▍▊▉ ▄▋/▌▉█▉ ~▆▊▊▆/~█▆▇▊▋▍▍ ▍▌▌▄▋ ▊▅█ "▅▄▅▍█" ▍▅▌ ▆▌▌▉█▆▇▋ █▄█▊█▌ ▍▆▍▅ ▌▅▌▉▆ ▄▋ ▅▇▉ ▄▊▆▆▆█ ▄▌ ▍▇▉▊, ▉▅▊ ▊▆▉▍▆▅▍▄ ▆▄▍▄▋▉▌ "▌&▇▌▋" ▊▋ "▋&▅▇▄ ▌▄▇▉" ▊▆ ▊▊▍▊▌ ▆▅▅█▅▊ ▍▆ ▆▇▆ ▇▅▉▅ ▋▋█▌▌ ▅▅▍▇: ▄▊█▊▌▇▇▋▌▍▊ ▅▋▇█ ▄▋▌▅▊ ▉▋▆▍█ ! █▌▅▄▋ ▋▅▆▋▇ █▅▇ ▇▍ ▄▉█▅▍▄ ▄█▄▌▄, ▆▍▆ ▋ ▇██▆██ ▅▋ ▅▅█▌▍▍▄ ▌██▆ ▊▄▆▄ ▄▇██▅ ▆▊▉▅▍▄ '▄▄▊▅▍█' ▌▋▆▍ █▅▄█▍-▍▊▋▋▊▊▄ ██▌ ▍▄▍ ██▊▇▍▍ ▍▄▅▆▉ ▋▋▆▍▄▉ ▆▇▄▆▆▄ ▌▇▆█▍▉ ▆▇▍█▍▇▌▇ ▄▆ ▅█ ▍ ▌▇▆▄ ▍▇▄ ▇▌▉ ▊▄▋▆█▌▄▊ ▉▄█▍▍▉▇ ▌▍▅▋ ▉▄▆▉ ▆▇▊ ▊▇▇ ▄▌▆▇▋▇█▅ ▄▇▉▄▉▉ █▉▍█ ▋▊▅▇ ▌▉▇▉▇▉ ▉▌▌▅▋ ▇█▅▅▉▆ '▅▍▊▍▌▆' ██▊▄ ▋█▆▍▊-▆▊▍▊▄▅▍ ▍▊▆ ▉▇▇▆▅▇▇ █▅▉▋██ ▄▇▌▅▋█ ▋█▉▆▄ ▅▋▅ ██▄▅▄
4 Years Ago
▄▆▊▉▅ ▆▉▋█ ▋▉▊▄ - ▇▌▄▉▊▉▅▌ ▅██▆▊▋, ▇█▆ ▍▄ ▆▌▌█▇
4 Years Ago
codegen + phrases check
4 Years Ago
Add volume_atten to soundstack Entity EmitSound takes position and volume Stripping a ton of unused anim events Added ModelEntity.OnAnimEventFootstep Added Host.Color Added Footsteps to surface Added Surface.DoFootstep Some citizen footstep anim events Undebug overlay
4 Years Ago
Added Entity.Transform, PhysBody.Transform Added Transform.PointToLocal, PointToWorld, NormalToLocal, NormalToWorld Vector3 equals uses IsNearlyEqual Removed PhysBody.WorldToLocal, LocalToWorld (should all use Transform now)
4 Years Ago
Added float.AlmostEqual Rotation equals uses almostequal Transform.ToLocal( transform child ) & ToWorld Added Transform unit tests Fix unit tests Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Use Core Post_Process.vfx code instead of the one from HLVR
4 Years Ago
Fix wack fisheye lens appearing
4 Years Ago
Fix double shotgun grip mesh appearing and causing z fighting if the shotgun has no skin applied (only applied to viewmodels, worldmodels will still have issue)
4 Years Ago
Unsaved change
4 Years Ago
Fix mace not being throwable if player presses throw key while the VM is in idle (transition was too long, was skipping events)
4 Years Ago
Map clusters (sleeping bags/vending machines) ignore Y difference when clustering
4 Years Ago
Add DisableSolidContact and DisableTraceQuery to PhysicsShape instead of exposing RemoveCollisionFunctionMask directly
4 Years Ago
▋▋▆ ▄▋▋▅▋▍▇▋▆ ▌▅█▉ █▆▅▉▆▆ █▇ ▄▍█▍▅▉▉ ▍█▉▊ ▍██▆▆
4 Years Ago
Disable solid collisions on welded prop so things attached with constraints wont collide with it
4 Years Ago
▊▅▌▊▌▄ ▆▊▋▊▆▋ █▄▄▆▊▍ ▅▋▍▋▅▊▌▊ ▋▋ ▊▍ ▌ ▇▊█▍ ▌▋▄ ▌▅▇ ▋▇▋█▍▉▊▇ ▇▌██▉▆▍ ▄▆▋▅ ▆▉▄▋ ▌▌▅ ▍▅▅ ▉▉▄▍▇▆█▇
4 Years Ago
▅▌▅ ▇▇▅▋▅/▊▆▉▍▋ ▉▇▊▆▇ ▄▇▌█▍▆ ▋▍▌▄▇▅█ ▅▆ █▊▌▍▇▋▉▊█▋▊ ▍▅▆▊▆▆ ▊▄▋▇▄▊ ▍▍▉▇▆▊▌ █▌ ▇▋▇▍▉ ▋▌▊▉▋█
4 Years Ago
Detect when balloon attachment breaks so rope can stop rendering
4 Years Ago
▅▆▌▍█ ▇▌▅▇▉▄▇▇▉ -> ▍█▇▅▄▊▊▍▊ ▉▊▋▅
4 Years Ago
Scale physgun rotation by delta time
4 Years Ago
▄▊ █ ▉▉▊▍▅▅ ▋▉▌▄█▉ ▅▉▌▍ ▌▇█'▆ ▌██ █▊▆▍▍▄▊▇▆ ▊▊▊▄▆▉ ▇█▆▌▉▌ ▉▍▊ ▆▆▌▉▆ ▉█ ▉▅▅▆ ▇▍▅ ▌▉▆▊▆▌ ▉▌▌▋, ▆▍▄▄▄▌▉ ▌▊▉ ▋▋▆▄▅▊▆▄▉ ▌▄▅█▆█ ▇▇▅ ▇▄▅▇▇▅
4 Years Ago
▉▇▋▇▅ ▋▉▊▍ -> █▌▄▇▍▌▉▄▆
4 Years Ago
▄▄▄▅▊▍ ▄▅▌▄▅ ▆▊ █▅▍▊▊▍
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
▍▉▊ ▊▋▅ ▅▅▊▇▊▋ ▆█▋▊▌ ▇▌▆▌▉▊ █▄ ▌ ▄▅▅▋█▄▄▆▌█ (▆▍▇ ▄█)
4 Years Ago
█▆▍█▆ ▆▋▊█▍ ▍▍▉▌▄ ▄█▋▌▌▊ ▆█▅▍▆▅ ▉▌▍ ▅▋▊▆█ ██▆ ▅█ ▊▍▉▊
4 Years Ago
Fixed floating point issue with roads causing them to washboard Fixed some sewer entrances being cluttered with rocks
4 Years Ago
█▊▉ ▄ ▇▉▌▊▆▅█▇ ▅▌▊ ▋▉ ▉▋▅ █▋▄ █▋▍█ ▆ ▇▇▇▆▋▅ ▋▇▌ ▌▌▇▅ ██ █▅██ █ ▆▋█▄
4 Years Ago
softcore reclaim backpack
4 Years Ago
cleanup remove shouldEnterBuyPhase gather effect createArrayFromRange, shuffleArray renaming more player vars
4 Years Ago
Fix skin picker snapping to the left any time a refresh is called (only resets to the left if the blueprint changes or a skin is selected)
4 Years Ago
Revert to tracing welded childrens original collision shape so traces work as normal on client