248,556 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
LOD component and allocation reduction for market terminal screen
4 Years Ago
Shrink the delivery drone map marker
4 Years Ago
Delivery drone material fix LOD components to disable the drone's blades and animation
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Add support for configuring and displaying tags on the server browser
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
fixed delivery drone disappear on map
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
▇█▆▆▌▇▍ ▌▌▊▇▇▆ ▅▅▋ ██ ▆▋▅█
4 Years Ago
fixed misplaced text on market terminal fixed AI NRE in softcore
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
updated reclaim area art
4 Years Ago
display locked user name on laptop
4 Years Ago
▋▄ ▋▆▉▄ ▋▇▆▋▋
4 Years Ago
npc death nre fix added marketplace to bandit/compound drone blades actually spin network++
4 Years Ago
Ton of accurate, respawning roadsigns added to the new Hapis road network. (Prefab stored for now.)
4 Years Ago
merge into main
4 Years Ago
▊▌▍'▇ ▋▉▍▇▋ ▆▋▆ ▄▉▌▅ ▊▌ ▄▆▍▆▍▊▋▆ █▊ ▅▍▇ ▌▋▋▄▄▉▄▅▋ ▌▍▄ ▅▆▍, ▊▅▇ █▉▊▆▉
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
▉▆▉▍▌▋ ▄▇▉▉▆▋▋ ██▌▋ ▊▍█▋▋▉▍▉▍▋ █▊▇ ▊▇▍▋▇▍▌▊▌
4 Years Ago
Merge from /main/drone/shop
4 Years Ago
Early exit from purchasing if the delivery inventory is full
4 Years Ago
Remove drone debug log
4 Years Ago
MapMarker will update the active MapView instead of only the main map view (aka MapInterface)
4 Years Ago
Mostly working map markers for delivery drones
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Fixed minor albedo brightness inconsistency between terrain rock splats and mesh rock materials
4 Years Ago
Force all static vending machines to be eligible Delivery drone will now attempt to go as close as possible when blocked on the final descent
4 Years Ago
Fix SellOrderEntry not allowing higher transaction counts when items are sold in stacks Mark drone item as not craftable and hidden
4 Years Ago
continued HapisIsland crash troubleshooting
4 Years Ago
Actual fix for NRE in Client_OpenMarket
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Fix state transition when vending machine is destroyed so it will return to the marketplace immediately Improved error logging for when orders time out Tentative fix for Client_OpenMarket NRE?
4 Years Ago
continuing troubleshooting HapisIsland standalone server crash on boot
4 Years Ago
Added ModelEntity.GetBone( PhysicsBody body ) TraceResult has Bone - which is the bone that the hitbox is attached to, or that the physics object is attached to
4 Years Ago
Better decal system bindings wip
4 Years Ago
name fixes
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
merge from loot_container_size
4 Years Ago
merge from /main/drone/shop
4 Years Ago
take Hapis Island back to basics - troubleshooting crash on server start up
4 Years Ago
Fix server compile
4 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Working on per-update animated property codegen Updated Facepunch.ExpressionStrings Big BulletSystem codegen refactor, working for a bunch of bullets now
4 Years Ago
marketplace sounds
4 Years Ago
Tossed these into a bundle
4 Years Ago
Set new materials (I had to set it to the right textures though?)
4 Years Ago
Basic in-flight collision avoidance
4 Years Ago
Some refactoring to keep shared config in one place Tolerate slight overhangs