248,555 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Update to net 5.0.2
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
potential buy phase fix
ball sprite tweaks
more bullet color stuff
ball color
playtest fixes and sfx
wall powerup
▊▊▌▄▍▇ █▅▅▉█ ▅▍▋▊█ █▉ ▊▍'▉ ▅▇▊ ▇▍█
▅▇▅▋██ ▍▊▄▆▊ ▇▆▆▍▌ ▄▍▊ ▉█▍▆▆ ▆▇ ▊▋▅ ▌▆▍▋▊
▊▄█▉▄▊ ▉▅ ▌▌▍▉▉ ▋▆▅▊▆▊▅, ▆▊▄ ▍▅▊▋ ▅▌▄▌ ▊▇▉▇ ▆▊▄ ▅▌▇▉▊▆ ▌█ ▋▋▋▌▇▍
▅▋▋ ▇▉▋▄ ▊▋█ ▅▌▌ ▆▉ ▉▆▊ ▉▋▅ █▌ ▉▄▄ ▍▉▊▆▉
▊█▄▅▅▌ ▊▅▊▄█ ▄▆ ▊▌ ▍▋▄▉█ ▄▅▋▆▍▇
Revert SetFlag change, just compare oldflags and newflags
BulletSystem codegen starting speed support
BulletSystem codegen cleanup, error for per-update properties
Simplified BulletSystem generation to not need bake result
Some nice progress bars for generating BulletSystems
Nicer temp variable identifier generation
Fixed ECS codegen for structs like Vector2
Added ECS code gen errors for unsupported ActionLists
▄▉▍▉▋▆▆▊ ▆▍▆▊▅ ▅▋▄▉▅█
▆▊█▆▅▊██ ▄▉▄▄▇ ▇█▉▄▉▊▆▍ █▅▋▊▆▄
▄▊▆▅▋ ▊▊▉ ▇▉▇▋▌ ▇▋▆▅▅▍▌▇▊▉▋▉▌ ▍█▋▉▊ ▉▍▉█ ▌▌▇▇ ▇▋▋▅▄▋ ▋▋▍▆ ▆▍▉ ▋▇ ▋▇▅▉▊
Only send one network update a frame on MotorRowboat (could still happen 2-3 times with last change)
Don't allow ordering if vending machines are blocked off
SetFlag now returns whether the flag was actually set
Don't send network update in FixedUpdate on MotorRowboats if no flags were actually set (should save a bunch of network updates a frame)
Move life story category updates (for rich presence) into a budgeted update
Move flame turret position check to happen before building privilege check since that check is so expensive
More topos. Buncha more fixes.
▋█▅▉█▄▄ ▊▉▌▍▋▉ ▌▍▇▊▉, ▅▌▋▄▌▆▆█ █▇▊▋▌▊ ▋▅▋ █▍▅▌ ▄▋▆▋▄ ▌▋ ▆█ ▌▇▅ ▇█▋ ▉▊▉▌ ▆▄▉▊
All default melee weapon prefabs
Move D_VIEWMODEL_PASS combo to specific shaders rather than having it in a shared fxc
Update shaders objects with self shadowing viewmodel
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
█▉▅▇▍ ▆▉▊▆▅ ▉▍▊ ▊▍ ▄█▇▌▍█ ▉▅▋▆▄, ▌▅▌ ▋ ▅▄▊▌▆▄ ▊▇ ▅▇▄█▄▍▊ ▍▌▆▌ ▄▍▌▆
Jackhammer vm - added admire anim & hooked up in animator
█▍▋▍: ▄▉▊▊▄█▄▇▆▊▉ ▌▉▄▋ ▅▅▄▌▄ ▄▋▅▍▇
▍▊▄ ▋▉▊ ▅▅▍ ▄▇▊▉▄▌▆▅_█▋▋▄ ▌▊▋ ▍▅▆▇▄▇▄ ▆█▋ ▅▌▅▆ ▊▊▋▊ ▇▊▄▆▌▆ ▉▊ ▊▉▄ ▄▍▄▍
█▇▇▉▅▋▋ ▊▋▊▊▌ ▌▉▅▉ ▋▌▋ █▌▉█▇▌█ "█▋▋▉▋▍▄ ▋▌▌▇" ▉█▄ ▍▇▋ ▉▉ ██▆██
█▄▇▌▋ ▌▌▍▊▊▇▄▌▆▍ ▊▋/▅▋▇▆ ~▅▇▊█/~▉▌▍▌█▍▅ ▆▆▄▊▊ ▆▄▄ "▍▇▍▋▋" ▍██ ▉▌▊▇█▅▆▇ ▊▊█▅▍▌
▄▅▋▅ ▌▉▆▇▍ ▉▅ ▋▇▍ ▆▊▍█▄▇ █▄ ▌▊▋▄, ▄▊▍ ▄▋▌▄▅▆▋▄
▉▄▍▆▆▍▅ "▆&▋▌▆" ▄▄ "▋&▍▅▊ █▄▇▅" █▌ █▉▇▍▋ ▆▋▆▊█▉ ▇█ ▅▅▅ ▄▊▇▍ ▅▌▊▌▆
Brain sense query optimization when exclusively looking for players
Order expiry will now update state after the expiry time
▋▌▌█: ▌█▉▅▅ ▌▍▍█▍▊█▊▋ ▉█▆▇▊▊▇▆▅ ▊▇█▌▊▄▊▄▊▅▅ ▉▆▅▍▍▍▌▄▋▅
▄▌▍▌▊▌ ▋█▆▆ ▄▊▇ ▍▋▊▍▆▌▌▌▄ ▆█▅▇▇ ▆█▊ ▋▇█ ▍▉▉▉▄ ▄▆▍
▊▇▍▅ ▍▍▆▆ ▆▍▊▅ ▍▆▍▉█ ▊▇▉ █▍▉ █▊▅▇ ▇▅▅▍▆▊▍▆▊▇▇ ▅▇ ▄▄▆▋▅▆█▋▊ ▄▅▇▊▊█▊▌▉█
First batch of post-testing fixes
Addons that have failed to download or are waiting to be downloaded now display in the Addons menu. Their descriptions also explain why they are not working.
Subscribing to addons while in game no longer remounts addons twice, now only remounts once
Prevent menu map list refreshing multiple times within a short timespan, now only refreshes once per 100ms
Other minor error handling improvements for Steam Workshop subscriptions
bow holdtype - fix for issue with incorrect arrow material, updated rigged file with latest arrow model
Don't even bother with surfaceproperties.vsurf
Don't bother building surfacepropertyeditor now it's useless
Citizen ragdoll use flesh surface
▊▅▊▅▅▅▌ ▄█▊▉▆▇▌█ ▋▅▄█▅█▌▊ ▉▌▇▍▌▋▊▊