248,561 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
AI data conversion tool now swaps old peacekeeper spawn prefabs for new ones
Tweaked double jump noclip
ConVar/Cmd cleanup pass
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
New preacekeeper replacement prefab, setup and linked blank AI design.
Spawn thruster ent with tool (left click attached, right click unattached)
Don't attach thrusters to world
█▌▋▄: ▉█▌▆ ▇█▊▇▆▊ ▄▆▅ ▋▌ ▋▋▋▋▅ ▊▉▇▌ ▄▇▇▌▋
▍▊▊▇: ▍▉▌ ▅▌▆ █▄▊▍ ▅▇▊▌▌█▇▄ ▊▄▊█▄▅▄ ▅▍▅▌ ▉▇ ▍█▌▅
enemy stun attack
zap dontDropShields
credits enemy attack sfx
tweak credits crawlers
edited rest of the crawlers
Better place to call IFrameUpdate
physbeam update
Rotate thruster ghost to hit normal
Fix weapons creating HUD elements for other players :S
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Transforming EffectMounts to world space
View rect in ViewDesc
Add a bunch of properties to transitions
Delete unused
Zoom viewport and ingame UI in console
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Add bindings for joint EnableLinearConstraint and EnableAngularConstraint
New launch site finishing bits.
Nixed old one.
Remaining new compound setup
Nixed old one
▉█▆▌▋ ▇▅▋█ ▍▊ ▊ ▍▌▉▌▌██▍▋▄ ▆▍▅▌█. ▉▍▆▋ ▍▋ ▉█▍ ▍▋▄▆▊▊▊▋▅ █▌▍ ▍▊▅▄▉▇▄▉▅▇
▄▅▉ ▊▇█▋▆▇▉▌ ▌▆▇▌ ▆▇▌ █▉▊▌ ▄▉▄▆▉ ▍▊██▊▇█ ▅▍▅▄ ▌▋▌▇▅▊▉▉▉
▉▌▌█▌ ▊▆▋▆ ▆▅▄▉▌▅▉▍ ▆▇▅█▉▍▆▍▉▋
▄▉▅▅█ ▋▌▆▅ ▌█▆▌▇█▍▉▊▇/▋▇▇
█▆█▍▍ ▌▇▋▍ █▊█▅▋▋▇▅▍▇/█▆▄
▇▄▊▅▅▇▉▋ █▄▋ ▇█▋▍ ▌█▉▆ ▌▊▄▌▅▇▋▉▉▋ ▌▌▌▉▇▊▊▇ ▆▊ ▋██▅
Compound interactables improvements/cleanup WIP
▇█▆▋ ▆▊▊ ▋▆▆▆▋▄'▊ ▉▉▊▆▅ ▄█ ▊▉█ ▅█
▌▅▉█▋ ▋▆▆▅▍▉▄▇▅▌▍ ▅▊▅▊▆ ▇▇ ▄▄▋▍▋▌█▋▄ ▇▆▊█▌▆▅▄
Reduced some repetition in bullet system definitions
ECS bullets now keep track of their own local time
ECS bullets can now have lifetimes
Bullet acceleration, implemented onion simplespokes.bullet
▋▉▅▄▌▍ ▇▆▌▅▄█▍▅█ ▋▇█▄▍ ▄▌ ▄▇▌█▆ █▇▌▍█
▆▇█ ▌█▅▍▋▋▌▇▊▆▉▋ ▄▍▋ ▄▉▌▊▌▄▋ ▌█
▋▄▋▊▍▆ █▅▊█▉ ▌▊▄▄█▉▅▄ ▅▋▇▋▊▊
▅▅▋▍▊ ▊▅▊▆▇▇▉▉▉▍ ▉▆ ▇▍▍▇ ▊▆▊▇▆▍ ▇▍▋▅
▅▉▇ ▉▋▌▆▊▍ ▉▌▍▅ █▉▇█▄▌▆▄▅ ▌▍ ▅▍▆▅█ ▅█▊▋▄ █▄▇▅▊▍ ▆▄▆ █▉▌▄▊ ▍▄ ▌▄▄▆ ▄▍▊▇▇▋▊▄
▉▆▊▇▆ ▄▋▅▌▆▅▆█▍ ▌▋▍█▌▌▍▍ ▊▉ ▄▇▇▉▅ ▇▄▇▇▍▅▄ ▉█ █▇▉▌▊ ▇▄▍ ▋▊▌▍▋▊▇ ▄▌▊▉▄ ▆▍ ▊▆▄▉▅▋ ▌█▌▌
▄▍▍▅▌ ▅▇▊▋▌██▌█▅ ▄▉▌▌█ ▌▊▉▆ ▍▋ ▉▍▌▉ ▊▅▍▍▋▄▋ ▋▆▌▋ ▉▄▆▉▄
▉▊▆▍▇ ▆ ▌▅▊█▊▊▅ ▌██▅▆▌ ▄▊█▇▌▌ ▄▊ ▆▉▋ ▆▌ ▉▍ █▍▌▄▄▆ ▍▆ ▉▅▍▅▄▉▊▊ █▋ ▌▊█ ▅▇▇▄▇▉▉▊ ▌▅▌▅▅█
▉▉▄▅▉ ▄█▌▆ ▌▋▄▄▊▍▆ ▉▍▌▉▆▊ ▉▄▋ ▊█▊▊▍▅▄▌ ▅▅▄█▊▆ ▉▍▆▄ █▇▆ █▍▊▉▊▌ ▆▊▅▌ ▄ ▄▇▍▊▋▆
▄▇▉▋▍▇█ ▊▉▅▍▌ █▇▋▌. ▋▉▋▊▉▅▅++
▉▄▌▉█▉▍▅▇▋ ▆▄▋ ▌▄▆ ▆▍▋▆ █▍▄▅▊▋ ▍▄▄▅ ▉▇▋▌▋.
Split up bullet components into separate files
Refactor ECS RepelBullets
ECS bullets have individual time scales
AddTimeScale for ECS bullets
ECS bullet flash color
Fixed error on player death from ECS bullet hit
Fixed ECS bullet flash on player hit
▍▅▋▌▅▌▊▊▄▊▄▋▊ ▆▍▇▄▅ ▊▅▄▅▉ ▅▇▌▇▅ ▆▋█▉▉▌▊ ▋▋▊▆▇