247,961 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.63cph!

4 Years Ago
Disable a buff debug.log
4 Years Ago
Art scenes backup
4 Years Ago
wooden buildings progress backup
4 Years Ago
ElectricalHeater pooling fixes
4 Years Ago
PoweredWaterPurifier pooling fixes
4 Years Ago
EntityFlag_Toggle pooling fixes
4 Years Ago
Fixed duplicate poolable component on powered water purifier
4 Years Ago
PowerCounter pooling fixes
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
IOEntity pooling fixes
4 Years Ago
Fix possible NRE in AppIOEntity.BroadcastValueChange
4 Years Ago
▄▄▇█▇█▇▊ █▌ ▇▊▉▍█▆▅▆ ▅▌▅▅▇ ▌▋▌▇▌▌
4 Years Ago
Fixed client stall during DDraw initialization (introduced 10 April 2014, changeset 2)
4 Years Ago
set up easy mode players octopus/mech turret diff scaling fuse stage diff scaling some trench pattern scaling
4 Years Ago
Enabled pooling on 42 IO entities
4 Years Ago
▍▍▉▊▉▍▉▊ ▍█▇▉
4 Years Ago
merge from summer_dlc, noticed 53256 was forgotten upon review
4 Years Ago
Oar worldmodel fixes, damage properties, animation events
4 Years Ago
Paddle and movement splash effects
4 Years Ago
Fix up RHIB colliders
4 Years Ago
Support for backwards paddling
4 Years Ago
Fixed tool cupboard saying "unattened" (but will need a phrases rebuild)
4 Years Ago
Fixed another user being able to turn on/off single-user static "oven" objects (e.g. refinery, BBQ) while a user is using the UI.
4 Years Ago
Main inventory right-click can now fill all AutoTurret ammo slots, not just the first one
4 Years Ago
Initial storage monitor implementation
4 Years Ago
Pass TC decay status through
4 Years Ago
Prevent using the chainsaw while refilling.
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> GeneralBugFixes
4 Years Ago
Add missing icons
4 Years Ago
More paddling/velocity work
4 Years Ago
Add buttons to speed up or down movie playback
4 Years Ago
Paddle viewmodel logic
4 Years Ago
Fix skip buttons. Hook up demo name to subtitle
4 Years Ago
Port movie maker plugin from hdrp
4 Years Ago
Better fix for roadside object angles, which also fixes the other bug of roadside objects leaning left/right when spawning on up/down sloping roads.
4 Years Ago
Planters, sprinklers, water pump, fluid switch are now poolable
4 Years Ago
Slight background optimisation Started on player trail rewrite New trail base colour Color / alpha gradient for new trail Got rid of old trail Fixed trail resetting
4 Years Ago
Smarter way to do interior density volumes WIP
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Disable ingredient tooltip when there's no ingredient in a slot, to prevent blank tooltips
4 Years Ago
merge new mixing table UI to main
4 Years Ago
Increase item name width, disable auto width size
4 Years Ago
Disable auto size height on recipe item name. Apply Alistair's text height fix for name translations.
4 Years Ago
More compile fixes
4 Years Ago
Fix compiling as server
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
CreateSound no longer forces the internal filter to be reliable RecipientFilter global now as a new optional argument - make unreliable Thruster sound is forced to be reliable
4 Years Ago
Merge from main