224,247 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

6 Years Ago
Trying DestroyPlayerObjects Master take ownership of everything it can on level change
6 Years Ago
Fuck that i'm a moron
6 Years Ago
Zone.OnValidate sets gameplayBounds center
6 Years Ago
Added CraftingStation component AI Crafting module prep Fixed entities being saved as invisible Zone defines a set of bounds Testbox fuckery that is totally important
6 Years Ago
Added FChunkMap::SaveCallback
6 Years Ago
Updated Unity version
6 Years Ago
Fixed foliage shader face culling defaulting to back Moved derive tangents to coreutils
6 Years Ago
biter attack def
6 Years Ago
Disable debug output PhotonNetwork.DestroyAll before loadlevel
6 Years Ago
Added support to filter out raycasts results from the wrong domain.
6 Years Ago
ChunkWriter can now write to disk or memory Added ChunkMap::AttemptLoadCallback Added native interface for AttemptChunkLoad callback
6 Years Ago
Added two-sided lighting option to core/foliage and core/generic; moved + cull to top Added shadow bias and intensity control to core/foliage Fixed tint not applied on translucency in core/foliage Replaced core brdf luminance function; touched relevant shaders
6 Years Ago
don't do physics enabling or disabling if there isn't a Rigidbody
6 Years Ago
Fixed swing seat parenting Debug overlay Updated steamworks/facepunch.unity
6 Years Ago
Fixed TargetSettingsName NRE
6 Years Ago
Added ShouldReportException to integration - Allows the application to filter which kinds of exceptions should be reported
6 Years Ago
▄▇▍▄▋ ▋▄▇▅▅▄▍▋▄_██▅▄▊▇▋▊▄▆ ▉▉█▄▇ ! ▉▄▇▄▊ ▍▋▄▊▅ ▌▌▊▆▊ ▌▊ ▋▍▌▍▍█▉▌▍▇ ▇▋▉▅▆▍▄ ▊▄▊▍▄▄ (▊█▉▌▋▉ ▅█▇▇▌▌█▆ █▉ ▊▌▅▋▉█)
6 Years Ago
Nuked core/generic(SRM)
6 Years Ago
Adjusted reflection quality 1 World reflection quality defaults to 2
6 Years Ago
change to AI advancement ordering
6 Years Ago
streamlined core glow a bit separate core shoot color, fixed bullet size bug core shoot flash, fixed core shoot percent core shoot flash applied to correct layers fixed rapid core shoot color can have more than one pixelgroup flash at a time fixed fuse wall lasers flashing fixed default pixelgroup colors couple other pixelgroup tint tweaks
6 Years Ago
Misc convar description spelling Misc options menu spelling
6 Years Ago
Campfire FX tweaks, fixed duplicate FX being spawned
6 Years Ago
Test test
6 Years Ago
It is no longer possible for people to skin animals that are on the meat rack (or held by any other container)
6 Years Ago
Cleaned up BaseEntity enable/visual state persistence
6 Years Ago
Basic SpaceSuit.
6 Years Ago
Buildings can be deconstructed, no longer destroy deposited items
6 Years Ago
biter dmg increased 3->4 career gen tweaks
6 Years Ago
Latest Data Project emails
6 Years Ago
▇█▋▄▄▍▆ ▇▌▆▇▌▇▆ ▆▅▄▋▍▋
6 Years Ago
Bed can be repaired Bed can be picked up with hammer + building priv
6 Years Ago
Testing a long commit message Testing a long commit message Testing a long commit message Testing a long commit message Testing a long commit message Testing a long commit message Testing a long commit message Testing a long commit message Testing a long commit message
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Team page, user card fix Allow Emails Latest Data
6 Years Ago
Latest Data No need to generate sass anymore No obj folder, wtf Allow team to expose their email on website if they want Homepage tweaks Emails section Fixed feedback not parsing quill
6 Years Ago
Refactored stockpile restriction stuff to support all entity types
6 Years Ago
Fixed session navmesh bake not working properly Disabled combat music event Nuked old TargetFilter.FindRaidInteraction Campfire has spit addon by default, requires rocks to build and requires construction Fixed building AI not supporting construction
6 Years Ago
career unit health bars now show equipped mods (placeholder)
6 Years Ago
Deleted duplicate Unit_MiniFrame prefab, dunno why it's there so hopefully nothing breaks
6 Years Ago
full merge from main
6 Years Ago
Reapplied changes
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Potential fix for another "_MainTex" UI error
6 Years Ago
Updated to latest Facepunch.Steamworks Updated natives, avatar tests
6 Years Ago
Unity fixes
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking from main
6 Years Ago
Fixed client entity building ID not resetting when pooled
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking 25518 for bawng